Thursday, February 27, 2020

Oceanography Discussion Short Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Oceanography Discussion Short - Essay Example The pH of the ocean does not change much because ocean water acts as an acid-base buffer. When acidic substances are added to seawater, they result in increased H+ ions. These ions react with bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in seawater, yielding carbonic acid (H2CO3), which further dissociates into CO2 and H2O. Thus, the pH does not change on addition of acid because neutral products are formed. Similarly, when basic (alkaline) substances are added to seawater, the bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) dissociate into CO32- and H+. The production of H+ ions thus neutralizes the OH- ions of the base and pH remains constant. The bicarbonate ions in oceans are produced as a result of volcanic eruptions and burning of fossil fuels that add carbonic acid to the seawater (Desonie 19). Goiter is a disorder in which the thyroid gland or any one of its two lobes enlarges and appears as a swelling in the front region of the neck. It results from hypothyroidism, i.e. inadequate production of the thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. This disorder results from iodine deficiency. Iodine is the precursor of thyroid hormones and its deficiency leads to their inadequate synthesis, thereby inducing the production of thyroid stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland. This hormone causes the enlargement of the thyroid, resulting in goiter. Goiter can be prevented by incorporating trace amounts of iodine in the diet. All products originating from seawater are good sources of iodine, as seawater contains dissolved iodine (Trujillo and Thurman 141). Consumption of natural sources of iodine such as seafood, fishes, sea vegetables, etc that originate in seawater are helpful for the prevention of goiter. Although both temperature and sea water affect the density of oceans, only salinity has a major influence on the density of the Polar Ocean. This is because of the extremely low temperatures at the poles. The temperature of the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Starbucks as an Ideal Employer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Starbucks as an Ideal Employer - Essay Example The company makes all possible effort to satisfy its employees, irrespective of the fact that either they are part-time employees or are full-time employees. Even at the growth rate of 20 percent per year, the company managed to retain a â€Å"small company atmosphere†, where the top managers used to talk with the store managers on the regular basis so that a feeling of togetherness exists in the organizational culture. Starbucks always maintained high pay scale as compared to the industry standers; also other facilities like health care benefits, not just for the full time employees, but also for the part-time workers; â€Å"work-life balance programs† to provide flexibility in the working hours to suit different requirements of different people; also provided â€Å"working solution† facility for the employees so that they can easily search for childcare or eldercare services.  The main motto of these facilities was to provide assistance to the employees so th at they can work without any hindrance or disturbance. The company pays great emphasis on recruiting their employees and training them because they believe that â€Å"right people should select right people†. Starbucks makes the huge investment for training their employees. They provide special 24-hour conduction training to all employee, during which the employees come to know about company’s mission and goal, they gather knowledge regarding coffee roasting and coffee making, and the most important thing that â€Å"how to satisfy the need of customers†. As a result of this, turn over rate is just 60 percent per year in Starbucks which is one-third of the retail industrial market (200 percent per year).   So it can be concluded that Starbucks pays a lot of attention in selecting and retaining right employees, they assist their employees in the best possible manner so that employees can provide their best services to the company. The main aim of the company is to maintain a small company culture where both the employer and employees feel like a family.