Sunday, December 29, 2019

Susan Glaspells Trifles - 1479 Words

Susan Glaspell’s 1916 play titled â€Å"Trifles† uses many elements of drama such as, diction and spectacle through the actions of the two women as they rummage through a unusually messy kitchen to develop complexity and hold the attention of the audience until the very end. Glaspell uses irony and common misconceptions to convey her powerful message â€Å"Trifles† is also a play that reflects a clear notion of gender and sex roles. Glaspell, a feminist writer, writes plays that are known for their development of deep, sympathetic characters that have strong principles that are worth standing up for (Holstein 288). â€Å"Trifles† opens up in its setting, which is a rural area of Nebraska in a newly abandoned farmhouse kitchen belonging to the Wright†¦show more content†¦The first trifle that was discussed was â€Å"a neighbor’s visit†, which Mrs. Hale has ongoing guilt about throughout the play. â€Å"Mrs. Hale observes, â€Å"We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things—it’s all just a different kind of the same thing† (Holstein 287). Other examples of their trifles that are discussed are items such as the birdcage that no longer has a bird in it and the square of quilt that is not nearly as neat as the others. These â€Å"trifles† become major evidence in the murdering of John Wright, but are kept secret by the women. The women ironically become the main characters of this murder mystery, which was groundbreaking in the time that Glaspell wrote this play. The men seemingly disappear as the women inst inctively uncover the mystery for themselves piece by piece giving them a certain power over the men. In the beginning of the play, the women are quiet from â€Å"powerlessness†, but by the end â€Å"Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters ultimately find power in being devalued, for their low status allows them to keep quiet at the play’s end.† The women are much like â€Å"servants and other discounted groups†, for they are allowed to have knowledge of subjects â€Å"because it is assumed they will not be able to make intelligent use of it† (Holstein 284). By not turning Mrs. Wright in, Mrs. Peters clearly makes a change from the start of the play to the end. Mrs. Hale is luckily able to change Mrs. Peters’Show MoreRelatedSusan Glaspells Trifles810 Words   |  3 PagesSusan Glaspell’s one act play â€Å"Trifles† is based on an actual murder court trial that she remembered covering from her days as a newspaper reporter in Iowa. She wrote at a time when women were supposed to be submissive to men and especially to their husbands. This play takes a look at a common social problem during the early 1900s when Americans wanted to keep all of their relationship problems private. Many married couples would do anything to keep their lives free from scandal, and this murderRead MoreWomen In Susan Glaspells Trifles931 Words   |  4 PagesSusan Glaspell’s â€Å"Trifles† attempts to answer a single question for the public. Why do women, a stereotypically quiet and submissive group, turn to murder? The male dominated society of the 1900’s found answers by simply branding them as insane; men were never to blame because only a crazy women would turn on a man. However, Glaspell empowers the women of her play in their submissive roles by utilizing the oppression by men to point out the holes in the male-dominated legal system. Linda Ben-ZviRead MoreSymbolism In Susan Glaspells Trifles751 Words   |  4 Pagesintellectual, working human being. This is what writers like Susan Glaspell tried to change. â€Å"Tri fles† is a short play that takes place at a murder scene and entails how two intelligent women solve the murder by using evidence that is hidden from the men’s perspective. The creativeness of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters reveal the ugly truth that Mrs. Wright, in fact, did kill her husband after years of emotional neglect and abuse. Glaspell’s showcases her righteous views on abusive relationships and howRead More Susan Glaspells Trifles Essay1156 Words   |  5 PagesSusan Glaspells Trifles Susan Glaspells Trifles explores the classical male stereotype of women by declaring that women frequently worry about matters of little, or no importance. This stereotype makes the assumption that only males are concerned with important issues, issues that females would never discuss or confront. The characters spend the entirety of the play searching for clues to solve a murder case. Ironically, the female characters, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, uncover crucial evidenceRead MoreSusan Glaspells Play, Trifles593 Words   |  2 PagesWhat are trifles? In Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles, we look at a murder case that happens in an isolated farmhouse. Mr. Wright has been murdered while he was asleep. Someone has a strung a rope around his neck. That someone is Mrs. Wright. Trifles illustrates that men have substantially more power than women. They first start by going in to the kitchen. Everyone observes the kitchen to see that it is a mess. The men leaves the room. The ladies wonder about the kitchen. Mrs. Wright requested thatRead MoreSusan Glaspell’s Trifles Essay1242 Words   |  5 PagesThe first reading I enjoyed was Susan Glaspell’s â€Å"Trifles†. The main character in the plat is a sheriff, his wife, the county attorney, and Mr. and Mrs. Hale. The opening scene is all of them in John Wright’s kitchen. Mr. Hale tells the sheriff and attorney how he a visited the house on the day before day and Mrs. Wright greeted him but her demeanor was little suspicions. She told him that her husband was upstairs dead. She says she was asleep when someone choked her husband to death. All theRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Susan Glaspells Trifles1788 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Natures in Susan Glaspells Trifles A trifle is something that has little value or importance, and there are many seeming trifles in Susan Glaspells one-act play Trifles. The irony is that these trifles carry more weight and significance than first seems to be the case. Just as Glaspells play ultimately reveals a sympathetic nature in Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, the evidence that the men investigators fail to observe, because they are blind to the things that have importanceRead MoreGender Roles In Susan Glaspells Trifles935 Words   |  4 PagesAllya Henry Professor Hopkins ENC1102/CRN10807 4 October 2017 Gender Roles in â€Å"Trifles† Early twentieth century America is shaped by World War I , the effects of industrial growth, and a beginning of a new age in literature. Despite movements for progressive reforms like the prohibition of alcohol and the movement for women’s suffrage women’s rights were still limited by traditional gender roles. Women are a â€Å"detached portion† of their husbands and expected to submit to his every demand. As resultRead More Essay on Sacrifices in Susan Glaspells Trifles1146 Words   |  5 PagesSacrifices in Trifles When a woman marries she is expected to give up her family, her last name, and her virginity. In other words she is expected to give up the life she knew. Susan Glaspell’s play Trifles tells the story of a woman that gave up her all to please society and her husband. The story examines a woman who sacrificed her tranquility, her talents, and her individuality. In the end, the woman even gave up her freedom. A person’s home should be more than a place toRead MoreUnderstanding Feminism in Susan Glaspells Trifles1577 Words   |  7 PagesMelissa Prather English 102 Research Paper May 8th, 2012 Understanding Feminism in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles Susan Glaspell lived during a time where women’s rights were not fully acknowledged. The oppression of women during this time stretched to the point that they were not truly acknowledged as their own person. They were to be seen and not heard so to speak. Their sole purpose was to take care of their families by keeping house and performing their caretaker duties. Glaspell even demonstrates

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gym Classes Should Be Mandatory For All Public Schools

Physical Education in Schools May gym classes help students make better in all of their classes? Nowadays there is a problem with childhood obesity in USA schools. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. This may happen because young people are spending too many hours in front of computers and televisions, and they spend less time exercising in schools or outside of schools. Therefore, physical activities should be offer to students in schools. Physical activities such as, jogging, yoga, jump rope, aerobics, dance, etc. The practicing of this activities could impact in students’ performance academic and health, but some parents and teachers might think that students should focus in other subjects like math, reading, writing, science instead of gym classes. Physical Education programs in schools should not be an option. Gym classes should be mandatory for all public schools in all grades in USA. First, physical activity in school would help students to improve their rate of academic learning. Children who are physically active would perform, retain, absorb and pay attention better at school and home, than students who are out of shape. ‘A study, conducted by Bryan Mc Cullick, a kinesiology professor at the University of Georgia, examined all 50 of the United States and found six states where elementary schools followed recommended physical education at the middle school level, and no states had strong enough regulations at the high school level.† ThisShow MoreRelatedObesity Is A Major Concern For Health Advocates1239 Words   |  5 Pagesclassroom time without extending the school day, many administrators are cutting gym class and recess. Michael Chandler, author of â€Å"In PE, Dodgeball Is Out. Zumba Is In,† states that, â€Å"In a 2007 survey of school administrators, 44 percent reported cutting time from physical education and recess, as well as othe r subjects, to increase reading and math instruction† (Chandler). Because of the benefits of PE classes that accompany a rise in child obesity, all schools should mandate students grades K-12 toRead MoreThe Pros and Cons to Physical Education Essay1662 Words   |  7 PagesPros and Cons of Physical Education Most of us remember gym class. For many of us, it was the most hated or the most anticipated class. Those that were a little bit heavier or not as athletically inclined may remember the class as a nightmare, while others may remember it as the most exciting time of the day. Either way, physical education was required. Today, however, the necessity of physical education classes is up for debate. Parents, faculty, council members, and even the governmentRead MoreObesity Is A Major Public Health Crisis Among Children And Adults2380 Words   |  10 Pageschild’s school does not provide daily physical education even though experts recommend 150 to 225 minutes per school week† (HSPH). Obesity is a major public health crisis among children and adults, and it is one of the leading causes of death. Over the years, childhood obesity has become an increasing and ongoing concern for many parents, in regards to their child’s health and well being. The lack of Physical Education in public schools has decreased over the years, and it is no longer mandatory forRead MoreStudent Loan Debt Has Become A Major Issue On The Campaign901 Words   |  4 Pagesany knowledge about how the loans work. Students need to have the correct knowledge when applying for a loan, otherwise they may end up with too much debt or the wrong type of loan. A student should not start off their life outside of college in unnecessary debt. Going to a public four-year college should not cost you a fortune. If tuition and fees associated with going to college were lowered, then students would not have as much debt. On The University of Oklahoma’s websites, there is a breakRead MoreStudent Athletes And Physical Education1604 Words   |  7 Pagesphysical education in order to graduate. Envision a student who does very well in school and would like to take advanced placement or running start classes in order to better prepare themselves for college. This student, however, cannot take these classes because he or she has to take physical education, a gradation requirement, and does not have the schedule flexibility to fit both classes in. Almost every school in the United States requires students to take physical education in order to graduateRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The Height Of Its Peak936 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood obesity in America is at the height of its peak. Actions should be taken to ensure that k ids maintain a healthy weight to prevent them from developing health problems in the future. If a solution is not set into place, then this problem will only get worse and worse each and every year. The first solution I will suggest is that we bring back physical education within schools. The second solution I propose is that we regulate fast-food commercials on any form of media that children are ableRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Vaccinations1465 Words   |  6 Pagesgovernment-regulated requirements for people of all ages in regards to keeping the general public healthy. Vaccinations have always been a topic of contention in regards to younger children, but have been a staple of health for older adults. In fact, college requirements for vaccinations are mandatory, and failure to get the proper vaccines before college starts could result in holds on college students’ accounts or delays in registering for classes. For some students the vaccines are simple to procureRead More Obesity And The Rate Of Children Obesity1585 Words   |  7 Pagesdissatisfaction (Mustillo et al.; Hesketh et al.,). In order to solve a problem, it is necessary to discover the reasons of the issue. In a recent study by a nonprofit youth program, students were asked to send in pictures of their school lunches, and the pictures being received are terrifying. Each state present a plate with varieties of food, with the main courses running from mac and cheese, to chicken nuggets, burgers, French fries. The meal usually come with fruit cup, milk, cannedRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Serious Public Health Problem3682 Words   |  15 PagesIntroduction Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in Canada that needs to be addressed in a timely manner. For the past few decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity in Canada has been on a steady rise, and up until now, it is still increasing and becoming an epidemic. Canada was ranked as the third most overweight and obese G-7 nation in 2005, following United States and the United Kingdom (ref?). The rise in the prevalence of childhood obesity in Canada between 1978 to 2004Read MoreHomeschooling in the United States: Types, Pros and Cons Essay1988 Words   |  8 PagesEducational System? Once a parent has child that is old enough to start school, the parent has to think about if they want to enroll their child in public school or homeschool them. Today, many parents are homeschooling their children. A U.S. Department of Education’s report shows that approximately 1.5 million children were being homeschooled in 2007 (Lips amp; Feinberg, 2008). This is almost 3 percent of all school age children (Lips amp; Feinberg, 2008). A private researcher, the National

Friday, December 13, 2019

Alaska Milk Free Essays

string(65) " so that they can enjoy their fruitful years in their existence\." Dear Wilfred Steven Uytengsu, Jr. , My name is Joselito T. Santos Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on Alaska Milk or any similar topic only for you Order Now and I’m a senior at San Beda College, majoring in legal management. As a graduating student of the said college an important school paper requirement for one of my subject which is Strategic Management should be accomplished to graduate. I’m writing to express my interest in making a Strategic Management paper for your prestagious company which is the Alaska Milk Company Philippines. Documents such company documents, financial documents and marketing documents will be needed for the progress of my paper. I will assure that all of your documents will be taken care of and only be used as reference for the progess of my paper. Im hoping you will help me and in return I will provide your company a great Strategic Management Plan for the development of your company. Thank you. Sincerely, Joselito T. Santos Jr. ALASKA MILK CORPORATION OUR VISION†¦ Is to be a leading consumer foods company with a diversified portfolio of consumer food brands and products that are market leaders in their respective categories. OUR MISSION†¦ PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT We will continue to build on the strengths and competitive attributes of the ALASKA brand and develop its full marketing potential. We will develop new products and identify market opportunities, mindful of our task to be responsive to the ever changing and growing needs of our consumers. CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer relationship is an integral part of building the Alaska business. We aim to provide our partners in trade the best and most efficient service, making use of leading edge technology to ensure timely product availability and accessibility. We strive to know and understand our customers fully to bridge the gap between what they need and what we can give. QUALITY Ultimately, the consumer whom we serve and their level of satisfaction with our products become our final judge and jury. We are committed to deliver high quality milk and other consumer food products from production to consumption. We will respond to the call to deliver higher quality nutrition to every Filipino home. PEOPLE We recognize that our people, the Alaska Team Members, are on of our most important assets and we are committed to promote their safety and welfare. Their wealth of experience, ideas, dedication and strong work ethic lay the foundation for the Company’s continued success. It is our goal as much as it is theirs, to pursue and reach their full potentials through continuing education, training, and skills-enhancement programs. We challenge each individualby providing the opportunity to contribute to the Company’s endeavors. PROFITABLE GROWTH Growth that creates value for our shareholders is paramount. We will deploy our resources on investment opportunities that are within our core competence and yield excellent returns relative to its risks and which are consistent with our growth objectives. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY We recognize our role in nation building by promoting the protection of the environment and taking part in various community-building projects that help enhance and uplift the quality of life of the underprivileged and the marginalizedsectors of our society. Original Mission Product and Services Yes We will develop new products and identify market opportunities, mindful of our task to be responsive to the ever changing and growing needs of our consumers. Quality Yes We are committed to deliver high quality milk and other consumer food products from production to consumption. We will respond to the call to deliver higher quality nutrition to every Filipino home. Market No Concern for survival and profitability Yes We will deploy our resources on investment opportunities that are within our core competence and yield excellent returns relative to its risks and which are consistent with our growth objectives. Technology Yes We aim to provide our partners in trade the best and most efficient service, making use of leading edge technology to ensure timely product availability and accessibility. Philosophy No Self Concept No Concern for Public Image Yes We recognize our role in nation building by promoting the protection of the environment and taking part in various community-building projects that help enhance and uplift the quality of life of the underprivileged and the marginalizedsectors of our society. Concern for Employee Yes We recognize that our people, the Alaska Team Members, are on of our most important assets and we are committed to promote their safety and welfare. Revised Vision Is to be a leading and the number one dairy consumer foods company in the Philippines both Luzon,Visayas and Mindanao regions with a distinct and well known various consumer food brands and products that are market leaders and highest profit earners in their respective categories, Revised Mission Product and Services Yes We will develop new products and identify market opportunities, mindful of our task to be responsive to the ever changing and growing needs of our consumers. Quality Yes We are committed to deliver high quality milk and other consumer food products from production to consumption. We will respond to the call to deliver higher quality nutrition to every Filipino home. Market Yes We are committed in building a brige connecting all Filipinoes who are not just living in Luzon but also Filipinoes who are living in Visayas and Mindanao and targeting all economic classes in the Philippines such as the upper,middle and lower classes by providing new a product with quality and affortability. Concern for survival and profitability Yes We will deploy our resources on investment opportunities that are within our core competence and yield excellent returns relative to its risks and which are consistent with our growth objectives. Technology Yes We aim to provide our partners in trade the best and most efficient service, making use of leading edge technology to ensure timely product availability and accessibility. Philosophy Yes We provide consumers with our products a choice to make their bodies to be more healthier and fit. Have a healty lifestyle and to live longer so that they can enjoy their fruitful years in their existence. You read "Alaska Milk" in category "Papers" Self Concept Yes We recognize that the company for so many years our company touches the hearts of all Filipinoes and with that we are one of the top supplier of consumer products in the Philippines. So we believe we provide provide products that has quality and affortability Concern for Public Image Yes We recognize our role in nation building by promoting the protection of the environment and taking part in various community-building projects that help enhance and uplift the quality of life of the underprivileged and the marginalizedsectors of our society. Concern for Employee Yes We recognize that our people, the Alaska Team Members, are on of our most important assets and we are committed to promote their safety and welfare. New Mission and Vission Vision Is to be a leading and the number one dairy consumer foods company in the Philippines both Luzon,Visayas and Mindanao regions with a distinct and well known various consumer food brands and products that are market leaders and highest profit earners in their respective categories, Mission Product and Services Yes We will continue to build on the strengths and competitive attributes of the ALASKA brand and develop its full marketing potential. We will develop new products and identify market opportunities, mindful of our task to be responsive to the ever changing and growing needs of our consumers. Quality Yes Ultimately, the consumer whom we serve and their level of satisfaction with our products become our final judge and jury. We are committed to deliver high quality milk and other consumer food products from production to consumption. We will respond to the call to deliver higher quality nutrition to every Filipino home. Market Yes We are committed in building a brige connecting all Filipinoes who are not just living in Luzon but also Filipinoes who are living in Visayas and Mindanao and targeting all economic classes in the Philippines such as the upper,middle and lower classes by providing new a product with quality and affortability. Concern for survival and profitability Yes Growth that creates value for our shareholders is paramount. We will deploy our resources on investment opportunities that are within our core competence and yield excellent returns relative to its risks and which are consistent with our growth objectives. Technology Yes Customer relationship is an integral part of building the Alaska business. We aim to provide our partners in trade the best and most efficient service, making use of leading edge technology to ensure timely product availability and accessibility. We strive to know and understand our customers fully to bridge the gap between what they need and what we can give. Philosophy Yes We provide consumers with our products a choice to make their bodies to be more healthier and fit. Have a healty lifestyle and to live longer so that they can enjoy their fruitful years in their existence. Self Concept Yes We recognize that the company for so many years our company touches the hearts of all Filipinoes and with that we are one of the top supplier of consumer products in the Philippines. So we believe we provide provide products that has quality and affortability Concern for Public Image Yes We recognize our role in nation building by promoting the protection of the environment and taking part in various community-building projects that help enhance and uplift the quality of life of the underprivileged and the marginalizedsectors of our society. Concern for Employee Yes We recognize that our people, the Alaska Team Members, are on of our most important assets and we are committed to promote their safety and welfare. Their wealth of experience, ideas, dedication and strong work ethic lay the foundation for the Company’s continued success. It is our goal as much as it is theirs, to pursue and reach their full potentials through continuing education, training, and skills-enhancement programs. We challenge each individualby providing the opportunity to contribute to the Company’s endeavors. Chapter 1 Introduction Alaska Milk products were first manufactured in the Philippines in 1972 through Holland Milk Products, Inc. (HOMPI), a partnership between AMC’s former parent company, General Milling Corporation (GMC), an industrial foods company with interests in flour, feed and soy bean milling, and a Dutch dairy company, Holland Canned Milk International B. V. HOMPI initially manufactured liquid canned filled milk products, (evaporated and sweetened condensed milk) and eventually expanded to manufacture powdered filled milk and UHT milk products division up until AMC’s spin-off and incorporation as a separate and independent corporate entity in 1994. It was also a time when the company embarked on a major expansion program which prompted the company to tap the capital markets through an initial public offering (IPO) to raise funds for the capacity expansion of its powdered milk facilities. Alaska Milk shares were listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange in 1995. Post-IPO, GMC held 66% of AMC while 34% was left in free float to the public. In mid-1997, however, GMC transfered its 66% ownership in AMC to individual shareholders of GMC through a property dividend, thus fully divesting its interest in AMC and enabling management to consolidate and focus its efforts in pursuing AMC’s interests in the consumer foods industry. Currently, management and strategic partner Campina Melkunie hold 56% while 44% is in public free float. For over thirty years, AMC has emerged as one of only two major players in the Philippine milk industry, consistently maintaining brand leadership in the liquid canned milk category and holding a strong and growing position in powdered milk. It has also expanded into higher value-added milk products, particularly in UHT/Ready-to-Drink milk category. Apart from growing its core businesses, AMC endeavors to diversity and explore opportunities in related consumer products with global food companies that will complement AMC’s existing revenue base. In 1972, Alaska began caring for the Filipino family by providing quality milk products for good nutrition and health. Since then, it has shown its caring in other ways: through programs that promote sports development, campaigns that foster good values among children and product innovations aimed at enhancing the Filipino’s health and welfare. It is this commitment to the Filipino that has made Alaska a leading brand. In 1996, the mission of caring for the Filipino and bringing nutrition to each home grows stronger than ever, as Alaska looks forward to the next 25 years. Board of Directors Our board of directors have successful careers in businese, academe and public service. With their wealth of experience, they add significant perspective and direction into how management shapes and executes business strategies. ANTONIO H. OZAETA Chairman of the Board JUAN B. SANTOS Vice Chairmanof the Board WILFRED STEVEN UYTENGSU, JR. Director ROBERTO F. DE OCAMPO Independent Director GRAHAME S. TONKIN Independent Director JOSE R. FACUNDO Independent Director MICHAEL R. B. UYTENGSU Director ATTY. RAMON ESGUERRA Director DR. BERNARDO M. VILLEGAS Independent Director Our senior management team shares the same mission, vision and values — driven by a sense of accountability to be successful as individuals and as a company. WILFRED STEVEN UYTENGSU, JR. President and Chief Executive Officer JOSELITO J. SARMIENTO, JR. Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer ARNOLD L. ABAD Vice-President, Accounting Controller MA. BELEN M. FERNANDO Vice-President, Marketing SANTIAGO A. POLIDO Vice President, Corporate Affairs FRANCISCO T. IDIAN Vice President, Sales AARON D. FULTON Director, Operations THOMAS NILSSON Director, UHT Operations REYCELLE M. RODRIGUEZ Director Materials Management ALFREDO B. JAVIER Asst. Vice President, Internal Audit ANSELMA G. CABANTAN Asst. Vice President, Information Systems II Research and methologies Research Design Data that will be used for the company analysis will be gathered from the websites of Alaska Milk Company, documents and other papers will be get from a connection working inside the company and other government agencies such Securities of Exchange Commisions and National Statistics Office. These government offices have the relevant informations for the paper to progess To assess Alaska’s performance relative to its competitors, audited financial reports for 2010 and 2011 will be obtained from Alaska Milk Company as well as its key competitors from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Aside from getting and providing financial data, the published annual reports in general circulations such as newspaper will also serves as a good source of internal and competitor information. Statements from the corporate website of Alaska and its competitors will be used to determine recent developments, marketing activities and other internal and competitor information. To be able to benchmark the pricing of the company relative to its competitors, various. Scope and Limitation This paper will be limited to Alask Milk Coporation dairy food ventures in the Philippines. This paper intends to create a product which has a high demand in the food market and making a dairy product that will be competing to an exisiting market. The paper will focus on how can the company attract consumers to buy, earn profit and compete in the Philippine food consumer market in providing a new product such as a milk tea powder and making an exsisting dairy product such as white cheese product. The paper will only concentrate to the introduced new business product such as the caramel milk tea powder and white cheese productions of Alaska Milk Company. It’s other products will not be tackled in this paper. Due to the timing of the submission of this paper, only the 2011 Annual report will be used. The strategies recommended in this paper will affect the financials of the company in 2012 up to 2016. Major Assumptions * Alaska Milk Company will be the first food consumer company to produce caramel milk tea powder drink all over the Philippines. Alaska Milk Company will be the first food consumer company to sell milk tea products in a low a price compare to its competitors. * Alaska Milk Company will be the first food consumer company to commercial and sell low priced nutrious white cheese products. * Alaska Milk Company White cheese product will be the number one cheese product in the Philipppines taking the place of other cheese product competitors. * The percentage in come of Alaska Milk Company will increase due to high demand of its new product III. External Analysis How to cite Alaska Milk, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Influence of Music free essay sample

It has been tested and proved that music does affect human behavior depending on how open the errors Is to music. Meaning If they are not willing to let music change the way they act, live, talk and think then it will not and vice versa. While some people claim music is bad, it is a form of expression for others. Music is a way of life, one can relate to music. Music influences our moods, If I listen too happy song it picks me up. Music teachers believe that It brings a positive attitude and adolescence In their students life. Music can influence people by the music alone or in combination with lyrics. Music may invoke certain feelings or memories. Many people can associate a song to a reticular period of their lives. Though music has its flaws and SOME of it is explicit people shouldnt bad mouth It, because one mans trash Is another mans treasure. Being gay used to be shunned, and now it is openly celebrated.All of these things are because of music. The radio started playing what was known as race music on white stations and this made it so a lot of different Americans can hear and be exposed to a broad range of music. Becoming more acceptable rock and roll, punk, and hip hop have had an impact on the teens and young adults of American culture. The asss brought the rebelliousness out of teens with punk rock music, while the 9(Yes hip-hop has had a big effect on fashion and attitudes of people.Music has shaped American culture in many ways, a way of expressing ones opinions and bringing groups of people together with similar ideals and opinions. A way of bringing what was different cultures together and making one culture, The American Culture. Rock and Roll is a genre of music that has forever changed the social behavior Of Americans. Rock and roll has influenced American culture in the daily life, fashion and attitudes of most Americans. Rock and Roll broke the race barricade, forming in a time of a civil rights movement.Rock and roll was a new form of music that encouraged desegregation. Evolving black artists and white artists playing black music, rock and roll changed the way American culture accepts what was once taboo. Rock and roll put a perception of sex, drugs, and alcohol to be accepted and what is considered cool. Artists singing about doing drugs, or hooking up with random woman made it something to be idealized. Rock and roll influenced young adults to engage in risky behavior. Now is American culture, these things are almost considered normal.Rock and roll shaped fashion and is continuously changing fashion. Fans copy styles of their favorite artists as a way to express ones self. From ripped up, tight, or baggy pants, long hair, colored hair, or shaved heads, the fashion is always changing. Some fashions coming back and making another appearance in American culture, a lot of fashion comes from Rock and roll. Piercing and tattoos once forbidden, is becoming more and more acceptable in American culture. It is not strange to see business people and stay at home moms with tattoos.Rock and roll has influenced this change in American culture and tattoos are normal. Rock and roll artists have changed the way sexuality and sexual orientation is looked at. Rock and roll has made it Okay to be gay and okay to dress how someone wants. Rock and roll has given the care-free attitude to young adults. American culture has changed into a screw society, morals and values type of attitude, based on what rock and roll has made society. Rock and roll has given a sense of community to certain ropes of people who share ideals and values, and brings them together into a certain setting.