Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Liujiaxia Hydro Power Plant Disturbs Kanbula National Forest Term Paper - 1

Liujiaxia Hydro Power Plant Disturbs Kanbula National Forest - Term Paper Example The development of the town has caused intrusion by humans into the habitat of wildlife which has further damaged the natural life of the forest. Kanbula Forest is located in Northwest of Jianca County of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous States in Qinghai Province. It has a total area of 15054.4 hectares and altitudes of 2100 to 4000 meters above sea level. Because of its location at high altitude, Kanbula Forest falls in the category of subalpine forest. The forest is also located in the transition zone from Loess Plateau to Qinghai Tibet Plateau. Thus, it is the warmest region in Qinghai Province. It borders on the Yellow River in the North and shares a boundary with the famous Liajiaxia Hydroelectric Power Station. Huge mountains extend from the forest with trees covered resembling a sea of forest. There are deflated hills around the Kanbula Forest that are formed due to erosion from wind and sand. These hills are known as red cloud landforms. Situated in the middle of the mountains, the weather of the forest changes frequently. Instead of experiencing all four seasons, the forest only goes through hot and cold seasons in a year. In the warmer weather, warm and humid air blows, whereas the colder season experiences a cold and windy weather. The forest’s tough topographical features form a role of microclimate. According to meteorological data records, the average temperature of the forest is 1 to 2.9 Â °C with the warmest weather experienced in the month of July.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care Essay Example for Free

Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care Essay Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care Childhood Obesity HCS/465 August 2, 2012 Donald Steacy Introduction The purpose of the paper is to show how to develop and understand methodology of the research process when pertaining to health care. The process consists of retrieving a peer-reviewed article and applying the research methodology to the article selected. The article selected for the research methodology was Childhood Obesity: A Global Public Health Crisis written by Sameera Karnik and Amar Kanekar written January 2012. Based on the information in the article will help determine the methods of defining the problem, the purpose of the study, research questions, hypothesis, study variables, conceptual model, the review of related literature and the study design of the selected article. Definition of Problem The problem addressed in the article is childhood obesity. â€Å"Childhood obesity is a major public health crisis nationally and internationally† (Karnik amp; Kaneka, 2012, para. 1. ) The concerns for childhood obesity have grown to a government level requiring action to help children to eat healthy and encourage physical activity. One of the causes for childhood obesity is an imbalance between calorie intake and calories utilized. Several factors such as genetics, behavioral and environmental can enhance the chances of childhood obesity. The concerns for childhood obesity have grown as well as the number of children suffering from this condition. The importance to educate parents and children on eating healthy has become vital to children’s health. The urgency to stop the epidemic of obesity is because children can develop long-term illnesses. The illnesses contracted due to childhood obesity are diabetes, heart disease, physical and social health problems. Purpose of Study The purpose of the study is to determine how to tackle childhood obesity at a population level by education, prevention, and sustainable interventions (Karnik amp; Kaneka, 2012). Further education is required for parents and children to help promote healthy eating and provide nutritional facts. Parent education is vital to help parents understand how their practices for healthy eating may not be effective and how to improve parenting skills in nutrition. Educating parents, facilities and children is required to show how to promote healthy eating; physical activity can prevent long-term illnesses. Intervention for parents of those children currently suffering from childhood obesity is vital to help with knowing good nutrition vs. bad nutrition. Intervention will also help parents understand about how to help their children eat healthy, help with physical activity and eliminate the chances of long-term illnesses Research Questions Is childhood obesity about a matter of genetics, poor eating habits, behavioral factors or lack of physical activity? Hypothesis Why is childhood obesity a growing concern for the United States and internationally? a. Childhood obesity can be a genetic issue b. Childhood obesity exists due to lack of physical activity c. Childhood obesity can cause diabetes, heart disease, social and psychological issues d. Childhood obesity exists because of poor eating habits Study Variables The independent variable would consist of the following question: poor eating habits leads to childhood obesity? The dependent variable consists of child hood obesity can lead to diabetes, heart disease, social and psychological concerns. Conceptual Model The meaning of a conceptual model is a type of diagram, which shows the relationship between factors that impact or lead to a target condition or a diagram that shows the theoretical entities and the relationship between them. The conceptual diagram above reflects the relationship between poor eating habits, genetics and poor physical activity that leads to childhood obesity. The contributing factors listed above all contribute to childhood obesity if not properly taken into consideration by parents. Literature Review Childhood obesity has become an epidemic over the years nationally and internationally. The increasingly amount of children suffering from childhood obesity has grown over the years. One or more factors contribute to the development of childhood obesity. Such factors are genetics, behavioral (poor eating habits) and environmental (physical activity). Childhood obesity can cause physical, psychological, and social health problems (Karnik amp; Kaneka, 2012). On the other hand, the most recent strategy used is interventions to prevent and control childhood obesity (Karnik amp; Kaneka, 2012,). The purpose of the article is to discover the factors influencing childhood obesity as well as the use of various interventions and governmental actions addressing obesity while getting an understanding of the challenges for managing the epidemic. Study Design The study design used in the article research was he historical study design. The authors of the article used scholarly articles from Medline, Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) to determine the factors of childhood obesity (Karnik amp; Kaneka, 2012). The authors also collected data from a time span of 1999 – 2011 to further gain details from the selected sources to draw a conclusion of analysis. The utilization of the scholarly resources was used to determine the contributing factors for the epidemic of childhood obesity. If interventions such as school based, family based, community based, play based and hospital based are an effective way to address childhood obesity (Karnik amp; Kaneka, 2012). The authors did not study a particular organization but rather used a variety of sources to further their research method. Conclusion Overall, the research process is very extensive and certain methods are used to help gather information. The process starts with retrieving a scholarly peer-reviewed article pertaining to healthcare. After determining, what topic to use it is important to use these methods gain knowledge of analysis.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Writing History Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

A Writing History Every great writer, whether it is a poet, novelist, journalist, or any other type will share a common beginning with every person, this I see. Where they take it from there is up to them, the choice is free. The common beginning is simple, even quite easy. It usually starts in kindergarten learning the ABC's. From there you learn to form and read words-the first step of literacy. In my opinion, writing can be fun, but it did not always seem that way to me. This paper will give a brief background on my steps in the writing experience; this is my writing history. Kindergarten, the first step. This is where I started to hate writing; it all began with the alphabet. Writing had a bad first impression on me. Every day or so I would write that long list of loathsome letters repeatedly for an hour or three. With that mastered, words soon would follow. This was not such a big step, not too hard to swallow. At first I learned simple words, things like dog, cat, and colors (if memory serves). In fifth grade I wanted my writing to be sophisticated and distinguished. That is when I discovered calligraphy-the Old English. It was like winning a shopping spree for the mind. Little by little I memorized the style. I used it all the time. I suppose I compare learning calligraphy to a "shopping spree" because it cost me nothing to learn it. It was all free. I used calligraphy on any project that allowed me to be creative. I got so used to calligraphy it became native. It was in me as if I was born into it; my birthright. When I used this art form time was lost; I would write day and night. Although I now hardly use this classical style in my art (writing poetry and lyrics), calligraphy will forever remain in my writi... ... beginning made on what I wrote; the changes the break up made were just as exciting. I wrote the "break up" poems just to get it off my mind and on to something else, like paper. Here's an example of what I was writing: "My heart is too much of a hole to to tell you to hold. So I say goodbye and remember you till I'm old. But I still live the day I found your love was fool's gold." When I was finished with writing "ex-girlfriend" poems I went back to my old style. I felt normal again. I was all warmed up like a track star that just ran his first mile. I won't blow off creative writing assignments like I did in junior high. Now they'll be all mine. And that's just about it-the brief background of my writing history. I don't know if I'll always write poetry and lyrics, I'm not sure. I could write less or write more. That's up to my writing future.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Software Ethics :: Copyright Plagiarism Technology Essays

Software Ethics INTRODUCTION Webster dictionary defines copyright as â€Å"the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form (as of a literary, musical, or artistic work). The copyright law extended to software and technologies aims at protecting the artists who created the product. The owner of the product has the exclusive right to distribute or reproduce his work. To be qualified for the protection, the work has to be original and in a â€Å"concrete medium of expression† [1]. In every product that we use daily, there is already a copyrighted law protecting it. We can’t simply write the same book and call it a different name. That’s plagiarism and violating the copyright law. The creator of a software technology patented and copyrighted his work, and he can take violators to court for stealing his idea, and reproducing his work without his permission. Why? Simply put, U.S Copyright act, 17 U.S.C Sections 101-810, protects the owner of the product . We should be thankful that we live in a country where our inventions and ideas are protected from theft and being copied. In other countries, such as Vietnam, artists are not so lucky. For many years, songs artists didn’t make a lot of money, and their songs are being sung everywhere, by all the singers. It’s like a free song, and anyone could make money off of that. That’s the precedent. Who would want to create the product, and then turn around in split seconds only to have it posted it on the web or reproduced for free. The work is wasted, the people are discouraged, and the country is ailing. Now, the artist can now protect his work. So Vietnamese, living in America, enjoy the same rights and privileges as Americans. Countries that don’t have copyright law or fail to truly protect the artists of a product will continue to struggle economically, politically, and socially. Viet Nam has improved and been more developed over the past decades. The country is beginning to see foreign investors come in and utilize the resources such as the talents, the cheap labor and materials. However, the country is not flourishing other Asians because of the lack of copyright laws, ignorance, and government monopoly and corruption.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beauty therapy

Alexandrine – absorbed by melanin, Is (near Infrared) Is most effective when used on pale skin and Isn't safe to use on darker skin. It is Mann visible light wave length. It has a pulsed dried array of 810 NM for pale to medium skin types. Alexandrine has an observed color change from green to red.Alexandrine results from small scale replacement of a aluminum by chromium Ions In the crystal structure, which causes Intense absorption of the light over a narrow range of wave lengths in the yellow region of the spectrum' (Wisped) [http://en. M. Wisped. Org/wick/Chrysler/alexandrine] Alexandrine is a trochaic gem, which exhibits green, red, and orangey-yellow colors. Ruby- it Is deeper and Is 694. NM In visible wavelength and absorbed by melanin, and isn't used for hair removal any longer as It Is only safe to use on clients with very pale skin. Ruby laser is a solid laser.Its synthetic medium is ruby crystal. Ruby lasers use short pulses of red light. Diode – is a semicond uctor laser that is electronically pumped. They have the largest wave length selection, emits Mann near Infrared wavelength OCW and Is absorbed by melanin. Laser diodes are continuously emitting diodes from infrared to red, green or blue. Pulsed laser diodes or Plus have wavelengths of Mann and annum. Mann are single emitters. annum are eye safe. A diode is a semi conductive metal which allows energy to travel In one direction. An : Wag ? a crystal, and the most common form of laser.They typically emit a light wave length of annum in the infrared. They can operate in continuous or pulsed mode. These lasers can be used to treat numerous medical conditions such as ophthalmology, cataracts surgery, acute angle-closure glaucoma, benign or malignant lesions, skin cancers, as well as hair removal or vascular defects. Wag lasers have been used in manufacturing such as engraving and etching. PL – or intense pulsed light, shoots 2 or 3 pulses at the same target with a specific delay b etween the pulses. The spot size or width of the laser beam affects treatment.Theoretically, the width of the Ideal beam Is about 4 times as wide as the target Is deep' (Wisped). PL use effluence or energy which is measured in joules. Epidermal cooling with the PL means that higher fluencies can be used and treatment is less painful. Light Heat Energy (broadband spectrum systems) – light is converted into heat which targets various chromospheres In the skin, such as hemoglobin, melanin, and water. ‘Definition – Intense pulsed light describes the use of Intense pulses of non-coherent light distributed over a range of wave lengths from Mann to annum for removal of hair and other purposed.A related, but distinct technique is hair removal; the primary deference Is that laser treatments uses generated coherent ND monochromatic light' (Wisped). Question 2 – Investigate the various methods of skin cooling in relation to laser and I OFF Cooling gels are water base d and are applied to the skin pre-treatment and where necessary after treatment. The gel works by evaporation. Ice packs may be applied to the area pre and post treatment, but not directly to the skin as ice burns can occur, Wrap the ice pack in a thin disposable covering like bed roll.Cryogenic sprays or cold air is generated and directed to the area of treatment. Both are pre and post treatment. Cryogenic cooling is built into some systems. Simultaneous contact cooling is available on systems that operate through a scanner. It facilitates pre and post treatment cooling, and simultaneous cooling with lasing. This method speeds up treatment time by a series of laser pulses emitting in quick succession in a controlled area. Question 3 – describe the recommended time intervals between treatments for each are and give reasons for this.How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Investigate reasons for poor hair removal results. Describe the recommended time intervals between treatments for skin rejuvenation and give reasons for this. It is necessary that subsequent treatments are given at regular intervals. The hair needs to be at the engage stage of growth for optimum results to be achieved. Time intervals are normally as follows: Area Eyebrows Upper lip Chin Armpit Legs Arms Bikini Retirement in weeks 5-7 3-5 6-8 6-12 8-10 Engage is the active growth state of the hair cycle.The follicle has reformed, the hair bulb is developing surrounding the dermal papilla and new hair forms growing from the matrix in the bulb. ‘Because of the cyclical nature of hair growth the follicles are always at different stages of their own growth cycle. When hair is removed, therefore, the hair will not grow back at the same time. For this reason, waxing or threading can appear to reduce the quantity of hair growth. ‘ (the Foundations Beauty Therapy 2 by Lorraine Mormon). Evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment can be accessed through photographs.I t is good practice to take photographs before and after each treatment. Treatment records keeping notes on progress and observations. Client feedback is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment. Clients can provide information such as how often they are shaving, if the hair is feeling finer, hinging out or if the hair is no longer growing back. Some of the reasons for poor hair removal results could be that the client has in increased amount of melanin in the skin causing lower energy effluence or Joule setting.The hair growth cycle may not be at the engage stage meaning that the hair is not active. It could be at the telling or cottage stage. The client may have topical hair removal between treatments. Adapted for each individual client. Clients may have tattoos. We do not work over tattoos as the pigment of ink may heat up and cause a burn or reduce in color or quality. We can use a white pencil or void the area. Clients skin types and hair color effect how each treatment is adapted, as the lighter the skin the lower the melanin content and the darker the hair is the higher the melanin content.Therefore, the best results are on a light skin with a dark hair. We can increase or decrease the pulse effluence and Joules to suit the clients skin type and hair color. Question 5 – Give a personal reflection on how you have felt from the start of using laser/lap to how you feel on going out into the industry. You can include how you feel you have developed and how it will affect you in the future. When I first started working with lasers all of the information was quite scary, it wasn't until I started to break down every piece of information that I began to understand how and why PL and lasers work.I have been working out in the industry with PL and used various pieces of PL machinery with companies such as Crystal Medical, Linton, Pulsar and Skin First. I have found some equipment to be more effective than others. The most effective machi ne I have found to be in the Linton Illuminate Advanced which is currently used by the NASH. Using a piece of equipment that is being used by the NASH instill confidence in me, and also in my clients because if the NASH are using such a piece of equipment, in my mind it would be deemed to be medically compliant, tested, reliable and give effective results.In the future I would like to see a more efficient method of hair removal or perhaps a machine that can cover a large area in each treatment. I would also like to see the regulations on who can use PL or laser machines tightened as currently anyone can have independent training via the companies who supply the machines over a couple of days. I believe this is not enough knowledge or experience to be let loose on members of the public. Beauty Therapy As each and every one of us is different, so too is our skin. The various combinations are normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive and aged skin. In normal skin, the oil glands produce moderate sebum, whereas dry skin is caused by under or inactive glands that do not produce enough sebum to keep the skin naturally lubricated. Oily skin is due to too much sebum, resulting in skin that has a greasy texture and appears shiny. Combination skin is the most common as most people have dry parts & oily parts; known as the T-Zone.The sensitive skin is felt to be more of a skin condition rather than a skin type as it refers to the delicacy of the skin rather than its type as it is a reaction to certain cosmetics and other matierals. (Facial Skin Types, 2003-2008) 2. When treating skin it is very important to analyse what the skin type is beforehand. In determining the best course of action to take, clinical research has shown that genetics, hair color, eye color, ethnicity and true skin color all play into the skin’s response to injury, including some treatments such as dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing and chemical peels.The aesthetician is able to determine which clients may have a greater or lesser risk of complications, including scars or pigmentation problems from treatments by typing their skin. (Hill, 2007) 3. Along with skin types, there are a few divisions and subdivisions that can affect the skin; acne, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea. All of which can be partially treated but care has to be taken when using cosmetics and facial creams. 4. DSHAPES (D = Vitamin D), (S= Secretion), (P= Protection), (S= Storage), (E= Excretion), (H= Heat) 5. Skin conditions like, acne and rosacea are very different from each other. Acne is causedby an inflammation of the skin resulting in eruptions on the surface, i. e. whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, even cysts. The acne is classified in three categories; comedonal, inflammatory and nodulocystic. Acne vulgaris has three factors in common, too much facial oil, hormones and bacteria. Poor hygiene is not the cause of acne. (Luxuries, 2003-2008) The skin condition, rosacea is caused by varying degrees of redness due to enlargement and dilation of blood vessels beneath the skins surface. (Rosacea Care – Symptoms and Treatment, 2003-2008). Unlike acne vulgaris, the skin does not erupt when suffering from rosacea.6. The shedding of the outer layer of skin, known as desquamation has its benefits, like exfloiation it rids the skin of flaky, old skin, making way for fresh new cells to make new skin. Certain treatments can accelerate this process, a chemical peel is one of them. 7. Facial steaming is an excellent method of caring for your skin. As it only involves placing your face into the steam from water, there is the added bonus of it being natural. Opening and cleansing the pores, skin will feel softer and cleaner with less visible pores. 8. Collagen and elastin are both fi bres found in our dermis, the deeper layer of skin.They are both proteins but collagen and elastin differ significantly in their content of basic amino acids. (Fluorescence microscopic distinction between elastin and collagen , 2004) 9. Using a magnifying lamp is useful as it enables a higher level of sight than the naked eye and clearly shows any imperfection, making it a simple task when analysing skin. (D'Angelo, 2002) 10. The Wood lamp is similar to a magnifying lamp, only with a Wood lamp you are able to see even deeper into the skin. 11. Erythema is a name applied to redness of the skin produced by congestion of thecapillaries. Oedma is the pressure of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body. Papule is a small, superficial elevation of the skin. A Macule is a spot. A Pustule is an elevation of the cuticle containing pus. A Comedone is a plug of sebum. A Milia is a small subepidermal cyst which is usually multiple, referred to as milium. Eczema is a thickening and scaling of the skin. (Education, 1997-2007). 12. Moisturising face masks will improve the skins moisture levels. The mask works like a moisturiser but is more intense and quick.A mud or clay face mask is good for oily skins as it absorbs excess impurities and grease. A gel face mask is particularly good if you have irritated skin or have suffered too much heat from the sun. (Facial Masks). 13. Using different ingredients in setting masks have differing qualities; Kaolin is used for acne prone and oily skin because of its absorbant properties. Fullers Earth is similar to Kaolin but also has deep cleansing properties. Rose Water is more suited to dry and sensitive skin because of its mild toning effects and Calamine is useful for ageing or sensitive skin because it has a cooling, soothing effect.(Oily and Acne Prone Skin, 2007) 14. If your face has never shown an oily shine and you've never suffered from pimples or acne, chances are you were born with norma l to dry skin. If that's the case, you'll want to keep it sufficiently moisturized and use skin-care products especially formulated for dry skin. If on the other hand your pores are visible, especially on your chin, nose and between your eyebrows, you're prone to breakouts and clogged pore, but your skin looks scaly and dry in places, you're dehydrated. (New Skin Oasis, 2005 & 2006) 15. Hyperhidrosis is excessive perspiring.Anhidrosis is an absence of sweat. Bromhidros is foul smelling perspiration (body odour). (Education, 1997-2007) 16. Two disorders of the sebaceous glands are milia (whiteheads) and comedone (blackheads). 17. An eccrine gland is a tubular gland that occurs in the skin on almost all parts of the skin. An apocrine gland is droplet of sweat. (Education, 1997-2007) 18. Client consultation is important because of all the different skin types and skin conditions. Analysing a clients skin before treatment of any type will ensure the correct products or treatments are us ed. 19.Acid mantle is the fine film with a slightly acidic pH level that protects the skin from the sun. (Gil Yosipovitch, 2003). 20. Skin Cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer. 21. Eczema – itchy and flaky. Dermatitis – itchy, blotchy and flaky. Psoriasis – thickening of skin, flaky, itchy, usually only affects the joints and isolated areas. Acne – eruptions underneath the skins surface. Rosacea – reddening of the skin, blotchiness. 22. The meaning of allergy is to be allergic to something. Your body or skin reacts letting you know that what you have come into contact with disagrees with you. 23.Albinism – a total lack of melanin in the skin. Melasma – dark brown, symmetric patches of pigment on the face. Vitiligo – smooth white patches on skin. Port wine stain – a flat, pink, red or purple birth mark. Strawberry hemangiomas – a slightly raised, red birthmark. (Dermatology , 2008) 24. No diagrams, impossible to do. D'Angelo, J. (2002). Miladys Standard Comprehensive Training for Estheticians. Retrieved March 16, 2008, from http://books. google. co. uk/books? id=jZACPaVxE4gC&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=why+is+a+magnifying+lamp+important+in+skin+care&source=web&ots=VQlWnsTbgL&sig=PIguYdUGsVIv0H34rBkcrMKFDr4&hl=enDermatology . (2008, January). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from University of Maryland Medical Center: http://www. umm. edu/dermatology-info/pigment. htm Education, C. f. (1997-2007). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from Online Medical Dictionary: http://cancerweb. ncl. ac. uk/cgi-bin/omd? erythema Facial Masks. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from Skin Care Tips Online: http://www. skin-care-tips-online. com/Facial-Masks. html Facial Skin Types. (2003-2008). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from Herbal Luxuries: http://www. herballuxuries. com/skin_types. htm Fluorescence microscopic distinction between elastin and collagen .(2004, December 1). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from SpringerLink: http://www. sp ringerlink. com/content/kr21x1633687171q/ Gil Yosipovitch, M. a. (2003). The Importance of Skin pH. Retrieved March 16, 2008, from CWI Medical: http://www. cwimedical. com/incontinence-skin-ph. html Hill, P. (2007, May Wednesday). Professional Aesthetics Series: The Importance of Skin Typing Before Treatment. Retrieved March 16, 2008, from Pamela Hill Institute: http://pamelahillinstitute. com/95/professional-aesthetics-series-the-importance-of-skin-typing-before-treatment/ Luxuries, H. (2003-2008).Acne Causes and Treatments. Retrieved March 16, 2008, from Herbal Luxuries: http://www. herballuxuries. com/acne. htm New Skin Oasis. (2005 & 2006). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from New Skin Oasis: http://www. newskinoasis. com/skin_care_tips. asp? skin_care_tip=14 Oily and Acne Prone Skin. (2007). Retrieved March 16, 2008, from Preventacne. com: http://www. preeventacne. com/mall/Preeventacne/Oily%20and%20acne-prone%20skin. htm Rosacea Care – Symptoms and Treatment. (2003-2008). Ret rieved March 16, 2008, from Herbal Luxuries: http://www. herballuxuries. com/rosacea. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

State Farm Advertising Analysis Essays

State Farm Advertising Analysis Essays State Farm Advertising Analysis Paper State Farm Advertising Analysis Paper Today, advertising is as much a part of our lives as breathing. Whether we’re driving, listening to the radio, or watching T. V we are constantly being bombarded by thousands of companies telling us why we should buy their products or services. Some advertisements prove to be effective, while others can be easily dismissed. One very popular industry in advertisement is auto insurance. Every year companies like Geico, State Farm, and All State invest millions of dollars, hoping to convince audiences that their service is better than their competitors. Because auto insurance is a requirement for every single individual who owns a vehicle it is a very competitive market where various ad campaigns can be found. State Farm stands out amongst these companies with their creative incorporations of Aristotles rhetorical techniques to capture their audience and deliver their message of reliable service. Among the many ad campaigns created by the company one of the most memorable is their â€Å"magic jingle† campaign. The commercials feature customers in various inconvenient scenarios where an insurance agent may be needed. The customers then proceed to sing the â€Å"magic jingle† (like a good neighbor State Farm is there†¦) and an insurance agent will magically appear to help resolve their issue, along with other ridiculous requests. While the granting of these ridiculous requests make the ads humorous; therefore, memorable, they emphasize what the company feels is their advantage over their competitors: immediate and excellent service. In one of these commercials, two young men are sitting in their car in what appears to be the middle of nowhere, eating burgers when they are suddenly attacked by a herd of buffalo. In desperation, the passenger asks his friend to do the jingle and after doing so an agent appears in the car and proceeds to say: â€Å"like a good neighbor State Farm is there†¦In my office! † Immediately the three men are zapped into the man’s office and there are sighs of relief. The ad is directed towards young men, a clever move, because young men are often the ones who find themselves in desperate situations while driving. The immediate response from singing the jingle which made the agent appear followed by his immediate action to lead the young men to safety emphasizes State Farm’s motto of immediate and excellent service. The humor used in delivering this message introduces the use of pathos, or emotion, which help in making it memorable. Pathos is also reinforced with the sighs of relief released by the young men; emphasizing the fact that with State Farm’s reliability you can count on being stress free. The concept of ethos, or image is also present in the commercial with the professional attire on the agent as well as the professional setting when they are zapped into his office. The well put together, professional setting, with employees to match increases the companys credibility. While the scenario is unlikely and there are clear fictional aspects to the commercial, the use of pathos in the humor and relief makes it very memorable and the point is very clearly put across: if you ever find yourself in a desperate situation, you can count on your State Farm agent to get it resolved. Another â€Å"magic jingle† commercial that helps emphasize the company’s great service features a young woman, along with two of her friends who finds the side of her car completely scratched. Unlike the instance with the buffalo, the woman remains completely calm and recites the magic jingle. An agent suddenly appears and once her friends see that reciting the jingle can make anything appear, they too recite it and make the perfect man appear on top of the car. As in the previous example, the commercial emphasizes State Farm’s reliability. This time however, there is no desperation because the young woman is so certain that her agent will get things resolved. Just like the previous commercial, the ad uses pathos to convince their audience, assuring them that State Farm will allow them to be stress free. The granting of the friends wishes for the perfect man helps to reinforce the aspect of great service because it represents the company’s ability to go above and beyond for their customers. Again, pathos is presented through humor, making the ad memorable and reinforcing the company’s point: when you have State Farm there is no need for desperation because they have you covered. Ethos is also once again reinforced through the agents professional attire, creating an ethical image for the company. The next memorable ad in the campaign takes a different twist, because rather than promoting auto insurance, it promotes home insurance. In this scenario, a group of young men are sitting at home when a baseball suddenly breaks through the homeowner’s window. As his friends begin to freak out, the homeowner maintains the same relaxed attitude as the female from the previous example and recites the magic jingle. Seeing his friends in shock as an agent magically appears he encourages them to recite the jingle and make a request, which they follow by asking for a sandwich, a pretty girl, and a hot tub. Once again, pathos is used with the ridiculous requests show the company’s willingness to go above and beyond for their customers. The owner’s relaxed attitude show’s that State Farm customers are at ease because they know they can trust their agent to get things done. This ad also helps to show that the company has various types of insurance to offer and that they are all as reliable as their auto insurance. Overall, State Farm’s magic jingle campaign is successful because not only do its use of humor and repetitive use of the jingle make it memorable, but they also find clever ways to remind viewers of the company’s reliability. This successfully incorporates the use of pathos, making it easy to convince viewers that if they join the company they will feel just as relaxed as the people in their commercial. They also touch upon ethos with the presentation of their agents who are always in professional attire. This reminds viewers that despite the goofy nature of their advertisements they are still a serious and professional company. The campaign also successfully incorporates the various services the company has to offer and the fact that they are just as reliable and professional as the auto insurance.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Passion Of A Storm

The Passion of a Storm â€Å"The Storm,† written by Kate Chopin, opposes the ideas of the late nineteenth century by introducing the fulfillment of a woman’s desires by a man in her position. It shows how the needs and requirements of nature, as well as people, must be satisfied in order to sustain life. Chopin’s use of symbolism displays a connection between an emerging rainstorm and the storm of emotions growing within the individuals Calixta and Alcee. The intensity of their encounter mirrors the pattern of the rainstorm as it builds to a climax of thundering sheets of rain, and then reduces to a mere breeze. The escalation of their affair follows the patterns of the storm that occurs outside. The approaching storm has been brewing for some time, just as the relationship between Calixta and Alcee has. The third person narrator speaks of her appearance to him five years before, and expressed some of her old qualities that still remained. The narrator, alludes to a passionate encounter years ago, â€Å"Do you remember- in Assumption, Calixta†(97). The storm could be seen for miles before it got there; however Calixta does not recognize either of the storms until Alcee approaches her home on his horse. The wind begins to blow. When he speaks to her, there are gusts of wind that try to carry the clothes from the porch, and gusts of memories that carry Calixta back in time. As Alcee decides to stand on the porch, the weather forbids him and the rain forces him inside. He stares at her longingly as the rain clatters upon the shingled roof with a force that threatens to enter and deluge them there (109). Just as the heavy rain and wind tries to break down the barriers of the house to expose the lovers to the elements outside, the barriers between Alcee and Calixta are eroding to expose their inner feelings to the surface and their actions. The barriers they had built within themselves to resist such temptation were slowl... Free Essays on The Passion Of A Storm Free Essays on The Passion Of A Storm The Passion of a Storm â€Å"The Storm,† written by Kate Chopin, opposes the ideas of the late nineteenth century by introducing the fulfillment of a woman’s desires by a man in her position. It shows how the needs and requirements of nature, as well as people, must be satisfied in order to sustain life. Chopin’s use of symbolism displays a connection between an emerging rainstorm and the storm of emotions growing within the individuals Calixta and Alcee. The intensity of their encounter mirrors the pattern of the rainstorm as it builds to a climax of thundering sheets of rain, and then reduces to a mere breeze. The escalation of their affair follows the patterns of the storm that occurs outside. The approaching storm has been brewing for some time, just as the relationship between Calixta and Alcee has. The third person narrator speaks of her appearance to him five years before, and expressed some of her old qualities that still remained. The narrator, alludes to a passionate encounter years ago, â€Å"Do you remember- in Assumption, Calixta†(97). The storm could be seen for miles before it got there; however Calixta does not recognize either of the storms until Alcee approaches her home on his horse. The wind begins to blow. When he speaks to her, there are gusts of wind that try to carry the clothes from the porch, and gusts of memories that carry Calixta back in time. As Alcee decides to stand on the porch, the weather forbids him and the rain forces him inside. He stares at her longingly as the rain clatters upon the shingled roof with a force that threatens to enter and deluge them there (109). Just as the heavy rain and wind tries to break down the barriers of the house to expose the lovers to the elements outside, the barriers between Alcee and Calixta are eroding to expose their inner feelings to the surface and their actions. The barriers they had built within themselves to resist such temptation were slowl...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom Social Night Program for Working Students essay

buy custom Social Night Program for Working Students essay We are a non-profit organization committed to assisting individuals develop their social life and promoting social wellness by conducting social programs for different groups of people. We believe that a person is not fully developed if his/her social life is unhealthy. Corresponding to this, we are conducting a social night program for the working students of this school. Working students deserve a balance social life as much as the other students. With this program, we are opening an opportunity for them to enhance their social life and achieve social wellness.Many organizations, even individuals, neglect the importance of social wellness. More often than not, they focus more on the other needs, particularly the economical and physical needs, and unintentionally neglect the social needs. Due to this, we endeavor to provide ways to improve the social being of the working students. This three-hour social program is specially designed to enhance their social life. At the same time, th is will also be a form of relaxation or rest from work and study for them.Background of the StudyAs it was said in the article Seven Dimensionsof Wellness, Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. Just as a person has to improve his physical, mental, and spiritual life, he/she needs to grow socially as well. According to Hoeger (2011, p. 15), social wellness involves a concern for oneself and also an interest in humanity and the environment as a whole. The National Wellness Institute 2007 says that social wellness includes: living in harmony with other people and your environment; preserving nature;recognizing the impact you have on your environment;developing friendships;improving personal relationships;living in harmony instead of conflict;thinking of others;contributing to your community (Gorrow, 2008, p. 53).Therefore, it is important that we socialize because socialization makes it possible for us to fully function as human beings (Barkan). In adherence to this, the team endeavors to support the social life of the working students through the proposed social night program.ObjectivesThe primary purpose of this program is to enhance the social life of the working students. Specifically this program endeavors to:create awareness regarding social wellnessoffer quality time for socializationprovide a different activity to discourage tediousnesssustain the social need of the working studentsAt the end of the program, the participants are expected to:be more acquainted with other students and co-workersincrease their circle of friendsTarget PopulationThe social inadequacy of the working students is mainly attributable to time deficiency and also to other factors including personality differences. The programs aim is to assist them in reducing these factors that prevent them from enhancing their social life. That is why they are chosen as subject of this social program. Specifically, the working students are chosen as the target population for this program due to these reasons:Their time for enhancing their social life is limited compared to the other students.More likely, they would not attend social programs because they will prioritize their work and studies.Their enjoyment of the student life is different from other students since they are more focused on their work and study.Benefits of the ProgramThis program will be beneficial to the working students because it can:encourage sociability to one another;give each working student a time for relaxation and socialization and, what is more, a time for rest from work and study;encourage tea m building which will help the participants to have a healthier social life;convey to the students an atmosphere of belongingness and companionship so that they wont feel isolated and moreover, they will help each other.The Cost or Budget JustificationThe table below shows the estimated cost the project will need in its operation. Item Description Cost (in USD) Food 150 Give aways 20 Supplies 10 Venue Miscellaneous 20 Total 200 Methods The project team will adopt strategies that will ensure behavioral and attitudinal changes among the target audience.AnnouncementThe program will be announced at least one week before the date to make sure every working student will save the date for the said event.InformationA ten-minute lecture on social wellness will be rendered at the beginning of the program to secure the participants knowledge about it.MotivationThe participants and attendees will be given gifts and giveaways for their attendance and participation.Program properThe program proper will include acquaintance activities, social and team-building games, intermission numbers. The last part would be the informal dining.Evaluative CriteriaTo accomplish the objectives, the working students should attend the program and participate in every activity. A ten-minute lecture on the importance of having a healthy social life will provide the students awareness to maintain social wellness. They will be taught that they should give importance to their social life as much as they give importance to their work and their studies.The evaluation of the project will be carried out in two levels:Behavioral levelThis level will determine whether or not the students applied their knowledge of the importance of having a healthy social life through a more lively behavior.Results levelThis level measures the long-term outcomes of the project. Students will have a more enhanced social life by having more friends.ConclusionEmpowering the social life of the working students through social programs and interactions will help them grow socially. Moreover, the empowerment of people and the programs that encourage group participation aids in the emergence of the essence for change in the individual. People empowerment is a process that helps the students to discover their actual social situation and determine their social needs and priorities that are the constituents of the social wellness. Buy custom Social Night Program for Working Students essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Point-Of-Purchase Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Point-Of-Purchase Advertising - Essay Example Every time I pay for something at a convenience store or shopping mall, my eyes always stray to the magazine rack. The colorful front covers never fail to catch my attention. What is featured on those covers is also eye-catching. While I wait for my turn with the cashier, I find myself reading the tidbits about celebrities or appreciating the blurbs on interior decorating. On some days I would find myself getting a copy of one or two magazines from the display to add them to my purchases. The same thing happens to me when it comes to food. Whenever I go grocery shopping, I always come home with something I did not plan on buying. There was one time I only wanted to buy toiletries but arrived home with three cans of Campbell’s Mushroom Soup because the store was having a Buy One, Take One promo on the product. On other days, I would get a spaghetti pack since the store would have noodles and canned tomato sauce packaged as one item. The last product would be cosmetics. As a fem ale, I would always be on the lookout for bargains and sales. Although I am not the type to go to the mall specifically to buy any kind of make-up, when I see a basket with lip colors for a discounted price a piece, I normally grab some, thinking I could send them out later as gifts. This happens most often during the Christmas season when a number of cosmetic items are on sale. Another reason I tend to buy an eye-shadow kit, for example, is when the sales person offers to try the colors on me and I end up looking really nice. For food, cosmetics and magazine, I often find myself buying the products because of several reasons. For the magazines, I patronize because I find certain stories on the cover interesting. I am also a big fan of some celebrities so when they are featured by a magazine and I like the story about them, I buy the literature. I find the point-of-purchase marketing for this product helpful. If the magazines were not displayed near the checkout counter, I would not have seen the magazines. If so, I would not have gotten the information I was interested in. For the food products, I think their POP marketing was also effective but not as effective as that for the magazines. I did not find these annoying. However, I think that some of these did not even reach their target markets on some days. For example, as I was heading towards the dairy section one time, I happened to notice some promotional products on the display in another section. Since I did not need anything in that section, I did not stop to check out the items being advertised. In this sense, I think the POP was wasted. I have the same sentiments for the POP marketing used in cosmetics. I think these products are more of a luxury for most consumers than a necessity. On the other hand, customers will be still be encouraged to buy lipstick or compact powder after POP marketing like trial make-up, discounts and freebies because it is a chance to have a very expensive product to beautify themselves with. As a marketing executive for any of the three products, I would continue to spend some of my advertising budget on point-of-purchase advertising. These kinds of promotions â€Å"have been found to have a significant influence on consumer shopping behavior†¦ Point-Of-Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) reports that as much [as] 75 percent of buying decisions are made in-store.† (Nicolas, 2007) I would probably change some aspects of the POP based on the location of the product in a grocery store, for example. Not all products can enjoy the spot near the cashier where people spend time in line and can still make an impulse decision on the items in their line of vision. Some products are even in an aisle that may only see

Friday, October 18, 2019

Historiography of America's relationship to Saudi Arabia Essay

Historiography of America's relationship to Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The paper tells that historically, The United States of America and the Saudi Arabia have shared a very good diplomatic agreement. For instance, in the middle of Cold War, the two countries upheld a common understanding that â€Å"godless communism† was problematic. This enhanced their diplomatic relationship as they both sought to fight against it. On the one hand, the United States laid a great emphasis on the part of â€Å"communism† while Saudi Arabia focused more on the part of â€Å"godless†. Through these diplomatic relationships, the Americans were considered to be decent people. This was the perception of the Saudi Arabians. This enabled them to cultivate a friendly relationship that existed between the nations. This is unlike the colonialist British whom Saudi Arabia detested seeing as they shared an extremely uneasy relationship. This is notwithstanding the fact that it never culminated into any form of hostilities between Britain and Saudi Arabia. Acc ording to the people of Saudi Arabia, the Americans were far much better than the British and this explains the good relationship between the two countries. The Americans employed the use of its vast technology and skills to accord help to Saudi Arabia in this developmental endeavors. However, Saudi Arabia had to return the favor by giving the Americans huge contracts as well as salaries to enhance the development of the country. Even at the present, it is noted that most of the infrastructure in Saudi Arabia was designed and built by the Americans.

Naplion invasion of egypt and its impact on mehmed Ali Essay

Naplion invasion of egypt and its impact on mehmed Ali - Essay Example To this end, the Napoleon took control of Alexandria, massacred the Mamluk army at Imbabah and Subra Khit. They consequently captured Cairo on 25th July 1798. It is critical to note that Napoleon ordered his troops to respect the religion, women and culture of Egypt upon their invasion. Evidently, Napoleon employed this tactic so that he would appear as liberator to the general Egyptian populace. Moreover, upon conquering part of Egypt, Napoleon set out to restructure the military tactics of the Egyptian by training them in French warfare and recruiting them to his Grande Armee. Furthermore, Napoleon was accompanied by scientists and scholars who investigated all facets of life in Egyptian history and contemporary periods. However, it must be noted that the French domination of Egypt was short lived since the Ottoman and British forces joined drive them out. On 1st August 1798, French ships were destroyed at Abu Qir by Lord Nelson’s British fleet. This led to the isolation of French forces in Egypt. To this end, war was declared against France by Sultan Selim 3. Upon the expulsion of the Napoleon’s army from Egypt, a power struggle among the Mameluks saw the rise of Mehmet Ali Pasha as the ultimate governor of Egypt. Evidently, Mehment was inspired to introduce modern changes to the Ottoman army based on an European model. His aspiration was in light of the exemplary model of Napoleon’s army that had previously defeated him at Abukir in 1799. To this end, he introduced several industrial and agricultural reforms that acted as a foundation for modeling a professional military. The end result was new armed forces organization known as al-Nizam al-Jedid. Furthermore, Mohamed converted agricultural land into state land from which he derived profits. He equally improved the irrigation system of Egypt and introduced cotton as a cash

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Juvenille Diabetes Research foundation describe how it helps the Essay

Juvenille Diabetes Research foundation describe how it helps the community - Essay Example JDRF facilitates research to identify ways to gain maximum results with least inconvenience to the individuals suffering from diabetes. A lot of children as well as adults in our country are suffering from obesity. To make it worse, obesity comes with numerous side-effects including high blood pressure and diabetes. Research conducted by JDRF tends to find cure for such diseases as diabetes and high blood pressure. â€Å"JDRF is committed to improving the lives of the type 1 diabetes community by keeping you informed about the latest developments in type 1 diabetes research and by providing a range of support services to help you from initial diagnosis through to managing life with type 1 diabetes† (JDRF b). Thus, JDRF not only targets the direct effects of obesity like individual’s looks, consciousness and self-perceptions but also the symptoms and health conditions indirectly associated with obesity. I place so much confidence in JDRF because it has made a lot of diff erence in the life of my own younger sister, Maria. When Maria was 5 years old, she was diagnosed with obesity by JDRF. We thought she had just put on a few extra pounds that would be gone with a little bit of dieting. It was not until JDRF confirmed she was obese that we stopped thinking she was just overweight. To our surprise, JDRF took Maria’s tests and informed us that she was having type 1 diabetes. We could not imagine a girl as young as 5 years old would be having diabetes! Since I am emotionally too attached to Maria, this came to me as nothing less than a shock. Back then, I couldn’t imagine how awful life would be if I had to live without sugar. JDRF proposed that we took immediate measures to alter Maria’s eating habits and walkout patterns in order to do our bit to make her future secure. Mom, dad and I decided that if Maria was not going to consume sugar, so would be we! Now that about 8 years have passed since then, everything has changed for the better. What came as a shock to all of us 8 years back proved to be a forewarning with the passage of time! When JDRF diagnosed Maria with those diseases, they not only tested Dad, Mom and me for the same health hazards, but also took notes about what we ate, how often we ate, when we ate and why we ate whatever we did. They informed us that they would use that information for research purposes. We assisted them in all ways we could because it felt like a way to do our little bit in the well-being of the whole society through JDRF. At the time when Maria was diagnosed with obesity and type 1 diabetes, mama and I were also overweight. JDRF told us that we were quite likely to become obese within few years from then if we continued with the same dietary and exercise habits. For about 8 years since then, Maria, mom, dad and I have had no chocolates, no carbonated drinks, no deep fried foods, no Big Macs and no junk food. Since the time we consulted JDRF, we have placed full emphasis of living upon fresh foods and vegetables. We have been going for a walk every morning and it has become a very important part of out everyday life, and we did gain positive results! Maria has recently tested negative for type 1 diabetes. All of us are in perfect shape. Today, when I look myself into the mirror, I become overwhelmed to see how nice I look and much of this is due to my smartness. We are grateful to JDRF that they informed us about the potential risks just in time so that we were able to take

Consumer Behavior Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consumer Behavior Paper - Essay Example On other hand, study of consumer behavior focuses on the motivation of the consumers to making various decisions strategies among different products differing in levels of significance and interest (Hawkins, Best & Coney, 2004). Study of consumer behaviors enables the customers to improve on their marketing campaigns and strategies in a way that is effective in reaching the consumers. The paper will focus on defining the term consumer behaviors and discussing the way 4Ps, product, price, promotion, and place, affect purchasing decision. Consumer behaviors can be defined as the study of individual groups, organization and the procedures used in selection, using and disposing products, services, familiarity and ideas that can satisfy their needs and influence of procedures to consumers and society (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). Moreover, study of consumer behavior makes a substantial contribution to in application of techniques by marketers in the process of marketing their commodities. Re lationship between consumer behavior and the subject of marketing relates to consumer behavior application in marketing strategies in order to enhance the marketing campaigns. ... In this case, this gives the significance of creating a good impression to the initial customers, since they take the role of influencing the other customers. The marketing mix, which includes the product, price, place and promotion, has a substantial impact on the decision making of a customer (Bearden, Ingram & LaForge, 2004). Price Price as one of the element relates to amount of money that a customer has to part with in order to acquire a certain good or service in the market, in fact, the price attached to commodities entails the returns to the firm due to their effort and the cost incurred in manufacturing and marketing activities. On the other hand, the consumers’ decisions are influenced by the pricing strategies of these firms since the cost of the products is passed to the consumer through these prices. In this case, despite the pricing objective of the firms, which are derived from organizational goals, the consumer makes the decision based on his or her income. The refore, a consumer focuses on maximizing their utility on the commodities purchased; thus, there is a certain price, which they are willing to pay for particular commodities based on their income. Moreover, the consumer has to make a choice among different alternative in order to identify the products that suites their purchasing power despite the quality of the product. Promotion Promotion is applied by marketers as a component of the marketing mix with a purpose of creating awareness, persuading and reminding customer in a certain market about products in order to influence their feelings, convictions and behaviors. In this case, promotion offers consumer

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Juvenille Diabetes Research foundation describe how it helps the Essay

Juvenille Diabetes Research foundation describe how it helps the community - Essay Example JDRF facilitates research to identify ways to gain maximum results with least inconvenience to the individuals suffering from diabetes. A lot of children as well as adults in our country are suffering from obesity. To make it worse, obesity comes with numerous side-effects including high blood pressure and diabetes. Research conducted by JDRF tends to find cure for such diseases as diabetes and high blood pressure. â€Å"JDRF is committed to improving the lives of the type 1 diabetes community by keeping you informed about the latest developments in type 1 diabetes research and by providing a range of support services to help you from initial diagnosis through to managing life with type 1 diabetes† (JDRF b). Thus, JDRF not only targets the direct effects of obesity like individual’s looks, consciousness and self-perceptions but also the symptoms and health conditions indirectly associated with obesity. I place so much confidence in JDRF because it has made a lot of diff erence in the life of my own younger sister, Maria. When Maria was 5 years old, she was diagnosed with obesity by JDRF. We thought she had just put on a few extra pounds that would be gone with a little bit of dieting. It was not until JDRF confirmed she was obese that we stopped thinking she was just overweight. To our surprise, JDRF took Maria’s tests and informed us that she was having type 1 diabetes. We could not imagine a girl as young as 5 years old would be having diabetes! Since I am emotionally too attached to Maria, this came to me as nothing less than a shock. Back then, I couldn’t imagine how awful life would be if I had to live without sugar. JDRF proposed that we took immediate measures to alter Maria’s eating habits and walkout patterns in order to do our bit to make her future secure. Mom, dad and I decided that if Maria was not going to consume sugar, so would be we! Now that about 8 years have passed since then, everything has changed for the better. What came as a shock to all of us 8 years back proved to be a forewarning with the passage of time! When JDRF diagnosed Maria with those diseases, they not only tested Dad, Mom and me for the same health hazards, but also took notes about what we ate, how often we ate, when we ate and why we ate whatever we did. They informed us that they would use that information for research purposes. We assisted them in all ways we could because it felt like a way to do our little bit in the well-being of the whole society through JDRF. At the time when Maria was diagnosed with obesity and type 1 diabetes, mama and I were also overweight. JDRF told us that we were quite likely to become obese within few years from then if we continued with the same dietary and exercise habits. For about 8 years since then, Maria, mom, dad and I have had no chocolates, no carbonated drinks, no deep fried foods, no Big Macs and no junk food. Since the time we consulted JDRF, we have placed full emphasis of living upon fresh foods and vegetables. We have been going for a walk every morning and it has become a very important part of out everyday life, and we did gain positive results! Maria has recently tested negative for type 1 diabetes. All of us are in perfect shape. Today, when I look myself into the mirror, I become overwhelmed to see how nice I look and much of this is due to my smartness. We are grateful to JDRF that they informed us about the potential risks just in time so that we were able to take

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Crowdfunding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crowdfunding - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that the reward can be service or product that the company offers. Just like the donation approach, the method does not have equity or financial return. The advantage of the method is that it lets capital seekers to incentivize their investors without selling ownership stake or incurring extra expenses. Equity-based offers the investors the opportunity to have a stake in the business. In this respect, the investors have a chance to trade capital for equity shares. The implication is that the contributors get a financial return on the investment, as well as, dividends.As the report highlights that  crowdfunding presents numerous advantages to the movie producer. First, the strategy facilitates access to many accredited investors in which the entrepreneur can interact and share the fundraising campaign. The borrower can review the potential investors and select the best out of a large pool.  The producer can promote the campaign through the email ne wsletter, social media, and other online marketing platforms. The media platforms mentioned above make the campaign viewable to the thousands of potential investors.  Crowdfunding offers the potential funders an opportunity to be part of the company, especially in the equity-based approach. With the equity - based approach, the funder can trade in shares. The implication is that the funder gets financial investment and dividends.

Socialization Definition Essay Example for Free

Socialization Definition Essay Socialization: Lifelong (process) social experience by which people develop their human potential learn culture Personality: A persons fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking and feeling The social Sciences: The role of Nurture * Psychologist John B Watson developed a theory called behaviorism, which holds that behaviour is not instinctive but learned. (Nature not nurture) * Nurture is our nature Studies of non human primates * Psychologist Harry and Margaret placed rhesus monkeys (surprisingly there behaviour is same as humans) in various conditions of social isolation – * They found that complete isolation for 6 months seriously disturbs the monkey’s development * Infant monkeys in cages with an artificial mother made of wire with wooden head – they survived by could not interact with others when placed in a group. * Harlow’s concluded it is important that adults cradle infants affectionately. * Infants monkey could recover from about three months of isolation – 3 months+ cause serious damage Studies of isolated children * Anna died at the age of 10 with a blood disorder. * Isabelle spoke around 2000 words. At the age of 14 she was in grade 6. * Genie abused by her parents. She was tied to a potty chair at the age of 2. She lives with adults. Sigmund Freud’s Elements of Personality Lived in Vienna at times when most Europeans considered human behaviour to be biologically fixed. Trained as a physician, Freud gradually turned to the study of personally and mental disorders. Basic Human Needs * Biology plays a major role in human development * Humans have two basic needs that are present at birth: * 1st sexual and emotional bonding (which is called life instinct) * 2nd death instinct or thanatos (Greek: death) * These opposing forces, operating at an unconscious level create deep inner tensions Freud’s Model of Personality * Freud combined basic needs the influence of society into a model of personality with 3 parts: * id (Latin word for It) – represents the human beings basic drive, which are unconscious demand immediate satisfaction. id is present at birth (newborn demand attention, touching and food). Society oppose the self centered id which is why the first words a child learns is no. * Ego (Latin word for I) – A persons conscious efforts to balance innate pleasure – seeking drives with the demands of society. This develops are we become aware of ourselves and at the same time realize that we cannot have everything we want. * Superego (Latin meaning above or beyond ego) – Is the cultural values and norms internalized by an individual. Tells us why we cannot have everything we want. This begins to form as a child becomes aware of parental demands and matures when a child understands everyone’s behaviour should take account cultural norms. BALANCE Freud’s Model of Personality id: The human beings basic drives| Ego: a person’s conscious efforts to balance innate pleasure – seeking drives with demands of society| Superego: the cultural values and norms internalized by an individual | Personality Development * If conflicts are not solved during childhood, they may surface as personality disorders later on * Culture in the form of superego, contains selfish demands – look beyond their own desires * Sublimation – redirects selfish drives into socially acceptable behaviour: Marriage = Sex / Sports = anger What are the three elements in Freud’s Model of personality? Explain how each one operates. Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development   Swiss psychologist studied human cognition – how people think and understand. (4 stages) * The sensorimotor stage: the level of human development at which individuals experience the world only though their senses. About 2 years – infant only knows the world through 5 senses. * The pre operational stage (enter at age 2): The level of human development at which individuals first use language and other symbols. In this stage, children begin to think about the world mentally and use imagination. (Toy as their fav but cannot explain what kinds of toys they like). They cannot judge size, weight, or volume. ( water cup example, age 5) * The concrete operational stage: the level of human development at which individuals first see causal connections in their surroundings. Around age 7-11 children focus on things and why they happen and also attach one more symbol to it. ( My birthday and Monday) * The formal operational stage: the level of human development at which individuals think abstractly and critically. Around age 12 young people begin to reason in depth. (Teacher and a job that helps others) Sensorimotor stage: the level of human development at which individuals experience the world only through (5) senses | Pre operational stage: The level of human development at which individuals first use language and other symbols | Concrete operational stage: the level of human development at which individuals first see causal connections in their surroundings | Formal operational stage:The level of human development at which individuals think abstractly and critically| What are Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development? What does his theory teach us about socialization? Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development (moral reasoning) * Pre conventional – how people judge situations as right or wrong (child grabs something shiny on the table CP) – individual needs * Conventional Level 2nd stage – appears by teen years. People tend to lose their selfishness. (stealing to help and stealing a ipad are different) * Post conventional level 3rd stage – people move beyond their society norms to consider abstract ethical principles. They think of freedom or justice. (Rosa Parks and racial injustice) What are Kohlberg’s three stages of moral development? What does his theory teach us about socialization? Carol Gilligan’s Theory of Gender and Moral Development * Compared the moral development of girls and boys = 2 genders use different standards of rightness * Boys: Justice perspective – formal rules to define right and wrong (stealing is wrong) Girls: care responsibility perspective – judging situation with a personal relationship (stealing to feed) * Rule based male reasoning as superior to the Pearson based female approach * Young girls start eager and confident but there self esteem slips away as they pass through adolescence * Why? because of socialization of girls According to Gilligan, how do boys and girls differ in their approach to understating right and wrong? Self: the part of an individual’s personality composed of self awareness and self image George Herbert Mead’s Theory of the Social Self * Developed a theory of social behaviourism to explain how social experience develops an individual’s personality * Meads central concept: The self.   * First: the self is not their at birth: it develops. Mead rejected the idea that personality is guided by biological drives (Freud said it is). * Second: self develops only with social experience, as people interact with others. Without interaction, the body grows but no self emerges. * Third: social: experience is the exchange of symbols. (we attach meaning with wave of hand, smile) * Fourth: seeking meaning leads us to imagine the intentions of others. * Fifth: understanding intention requires imagining the situation from the others point of view. (how someone will catch a ball we throw) – taking the role of the other)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Heavenly Resort Business Plan

Heavenly Resort Business Plan The Heavenly Resort, Puerto Princesa Palawan Philippines is a boutique hotel within Palawan Island. Heavenly Resort is boutique hotel offering  32 exclusive rooms. The Heavenly Resort  property is convenient and strategic location within the city. Also with the high level of personal service guests receive, create a memorable experience and the extensive range of comprehensive business facilities  available in  unique settings. The Heavenly Resort has 32 exclusive rooms with a pool on the roof top and is targeting corporate guests with a two to three night stay requirement.Foreign retiree guest with a three to six months stay, foreign and local tourist with a one to two weeks stay requirement and family, scuba divers, backpackers, trekkers, bird watchers, spelunkers, explorers and even honeymooners. Differentiating the type of business service offered, and sustainable green innovation from that of the competition, will assist not only in building the Heavenly Resort brand as a whole, but will attract frequent touristtravellers, who require a higher level  of personal service and recognition than they can receive at competitive boutique hotel in Palawan. This will provide the Heavenly Resort with an opportunity to leverage its core competencies as regards servicing the tourist traveller in a unique and innovative environment. Description of the business concept The first Exclusive Business Boutique Hotel/Resort with restaurant is wholly managed with five teams. The team  specializes in occupying strategic, inner city locations and serving primarily corporate clients, foreign and local tourist. Market Needs Palawan Island is one of biggest city in Philippines and the famous holiday destinations for foreign and local. Due to the influx of tourist in the area, there is lack of accommodation with little competition for a boutique hotel. The Heavenly Resort offers value and benefits to our clients, over and above the standard of our facilities and affordable rates. We seek to provide our guests with an exemplary  personal service, and level of recognition that they have come to rely upon. We provide our guest with a relaxed environment which they cannot find at larger, more impersonal competitors. Our guests need to know that they can develop a relationship with the hotel that will ensure efficiency, value for their  money and reliability in supplying them with the support they need, when they needed it. The Heavenly Resort operates in a city with a very strong sense of community, and we want to stay an integral part of that community. The Target Market The Heavenly Resort is a boutique hotel comprising 32 guest rooms, a pool,and restaurantand specializing in servicing corporate guest, foreign and local with the family. Our key clients are originating from both international and domestic  markets from Scuba divers, backpackers, trekkers, bird watchers, spelunkers, explorersand yes, even honeymooners. The strategic location of the property is the key to its success in these areas due to the proximity of the nearby white sand beaches and resorts where guests can take a plunge or bathe in the sun and beautiful scenery. Key to our business success is the level of customer loyalty and repeat  business. We offer our guests unique ambience amenities,when styled in a boutique manner both inside the rooms and within the hotels conference facilities. Our guests feel that they can conduct their business from within a less austere atmosphere than can be experienced in our competitive properties, where there is less personal recognition. They appreciate being called by name when they arrive, and having staff remember their specific requirements, time and again. This is the key in developing the relationship beyond an initial stay and evidences our added value in relation to competitive properties in the vicinity. The Competitive Advantages (Innovativeness)(Arvind) The Team (April Chris) Market Research and Analysis Market Analysis Table 1:   Tourist Volume in Major Destinations, January-May 2010/2009   Destinations 2010 2009 Growth Rate Metro Manila 848,518 724,572 17.11% Cebu 734,531 703,965 4.34% Boracay Island 378,694 337,664 12.15% Camarines Sur* 348,139 344,459 1.07% Baguio City 318,677 373,820 -14.75% Davao City 275,658 273,492 0.79% Zambales 159,025 157,591 0.91% Bohol 143,276 139,162 2.96% Camiguin Island 105,262 90,269 16.61% Negros Oriental 102,394 98,738 3.70% Cagayan 83,822 80,739 3.82% IlocosNorte 81,724 88,366 -7.52% Puerto Princesa City* 73,986 54,754 35.12% Total 3,653,706 3,467,591 5.37% * January-March data only.   No data provided for April and May Source of Data:   DOT Regional Offices/Local Tourism Offices/Accommodation Establishment. Market Demographics Market Geographics: Puerto Princesa, Philippines is a city centre in Palawan Island, with a population of 157,144. Overall Island population is 640,486. Market Demographics: The community in Palawan are migrants from other regions in the Philippines and Foreigners who create business activities. Market Psychographics: There is a strong small business ethic in the community, and many family-run enterprises have been prospering for generations.   There is also a strong sense of community and a high level of awareness as regards to caring for the environment. Market Behaviours: Businesses in the area choose to support one another wherever possible, be remaining loyal to long standing relationships with customers and suppliers. This acts as a means of investing in, and supporting the community structure. Market Trends Market trends can be categorized as follows: Foreign and Domestic tourist. Puerto Princesa City tourist traffic grew by 21% with foreign and domestic visitors increasing at double digit level of 23% and 21%, respectively.   The upgrading of Puerto Princesa Airport paved the way to increase flight frequencies from Manila and other island destinations in Central Philippines.   Likewise, the efforts of the City Government of Puerto Princesa to develop new tourist products attracted more visitors and enabled prolonged stays.   By year 2010, total tourist traffic in the top destinations is forecast to grow by 15% as domestic travel movement continues to increase and international tourist markets recover from economic slack. Market Growth The growth rate of the target markets has been increasing over the past five years. The foreign tourist has grown at an average of 12.81%, and the domestic tourist has grown at an average of 2.12%. Puerto Princesa City has 117,000 visitors annually. 41.78% are foreign and 35.4% are domestic. The tourist volume in 2009 is 54,754 and in 2010 are 73,986. The overall growth rate is 35.12% which is the highest among other tourist destination in Philippines. The Company The Heavenly Resort, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines, is a Boutique Hotel and Restaurant. Offering 32 exclusive rooms with complementary breakfast,and offer an affordable signature cuisine local and continental. Mission The Heavenly Resort is dedicated to providing its guests with the highest quality of service and creates a memorable experience. We seek to deliver on our promise of value and quality above all else. We value our place in the community and will work to develop those relationships and to respect and protect our environment. We will continue to strive to create value for both owners and shareholders whilst honouring our brand values and encouraging our personnel to develop themselves in an environment of trust, loyalty and encouragement. Service Offering Service: high-quality facilities accompanied by exemplary personalised service, differentiated from competition in line with the overall brand strategy has proven to be a successful approach generating high levels of repeat business. Positioning The Heavenly Resort is positioned as a unique boutique hotel, foreign and localtravellers strategically located and offering a high level of personalised service. Ourfocus is on offering our guests value added  and differentiating ourselves in our levels of personalised service. We provide a  quality hotel memorable experience where guests are valued, respected, delighted and their business is truly appreciated. SWOT Summary The following analysis highlights the internal strengths and weaknesses of our organization and the opportunities and threats facing the company in our external environment. We must work to improve our areas of weakness. Organizational strengths must be leveraged in order to capitalize on external opportunities as they arise, and contingency plans formulated in order to deal with threats presented by the environment. Strengths Strategy: strong differentiation strategy. Skills: diverse range of service skills within management and staff. Style: strong, participative culture. Staff: specialized and experienced staff that is motivated and highly skilled. A well trained team who are proud of their hotel and  respect and promote the brand values. Shared Values: clear and well communicated. Brand Strength: brand values well represented engendering brand loyalty amongst existing and new guests. Reputation: a strong reputation within the local market and corporate and travel trade markets for reliability, exemplary service and quality. Weaknesses Strategy: differentiation strategy needs to be more clearly communicated externally, within local and national markets. Systems: formal systems result from the detail oriented work and environment. Interdepartmental communications could be improved. Staff: seasonal turnover requires ongoing training and orientation of new staff. Facilities: certain rooms require renovation and upgrade as regards technical equipment, such as high speed Internet access and laptop links. Opportunities Market: high growth since a huge influx of tourist. Competitors: no direct competition exists at present, in terms of the boutique business property niche. Suppliers: strong, long-term relationships  established with suppliers. Guest Dependency: repeat corporate clients based on personalised service and quality, in a small but unique and innovative environment. Threats Market Entry: potential for a competitive, global brand to enter the market with a similar product. Substitutes: fully furnished and serviced business apartments offering lower daily rates. Economy: recovery from slight recession may take time. Competition Although no direct competition exists, in terms of the boutique-style property, other five star hotels and serviced apartments, chalets do compete for the same business sector. Growth and Share (Adam please produce a graph for this) Competitor Price Growth Rate Market Share Casa Puerte (BB) $60 Legend Hotel (3star) $150 Asturias Hotel (4star) $200 Heavenly Resort $75 Average Total Competitive Analysis #1 #2 #3 #4 Competitor Legend Asturias Casa Puerte Heavenly Product and/or Service Legend Asturias Casa Puerte Heavenly Quality 6 7 4 8 Selection 5 7 5 6 Price 6 6 6 6 Other 0 0 0 0 Location and Physical Appearance Legend Asturias Casa Puerte Heavenly Traffic 4 5 7 7 Appearance 4 7 6 8 Visibility 7 6 7 9 Convenience Factors 7 6 6 8 Other 0 0 0 0 Added Value Factors Legend Asturias Casa Puerte Heavenly Pre and Post Sales Service 3 5 4 7 Experience 7 8 6 9 Expertise 6 7 5 8 Reputation 5 9 6 8 Image 6 9 4 8 Stability 6 8 4 9 Strategic Alliances 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 Other Marketing Activities Legend Asturias Casa Puerte Heavenly Established Sales Channels 0 0 0 0 Advertising 0 0 0 0 Post-purchase Support 0 0 0 0 Incentives 0 0 0 0 Loyalty Components 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 Total 72 90 70 101 Marketing Plan Marketing Strategy Our marketing strategys objective is to communicate the unique set of services that we offer to discern hotel guests. We attempt to direct the focus of our guests to the issues of quality and value for the  money as opposed to simply the bottom line costs associated with their stay. Our marketing strategy will allow us to communicate our brand values, develop close working relationships with our customers and suppliers and to identify the needs of our guests in an effective manner. Continued differentiation and growth are two goals we have set for ourselves. Growth will take place by targeting Foreign and local tourist. Value Proposition Heavenly Resort offers the best, most personalized service for the corporate traveller, foreign and local. We provide good ambience facilities in very room. We include creative design in every room, such as a unique amenity according their culture and nationalities. Critical Issues We have much strength including our differentiation strategy, and highly skilled and well trained staff. Our weaknesses involve the need to communicate our strategy more clearly in the external environment, our high staff turnover and training requirements due to seasonal fluctuations. Although there is a low to medium threat of a competitive brand entering the market, there are also opportunities as regards the high level of dependency of our guests for our particular service and our strong position within the community with both customers and suppliers. Critical issues for the Heavenly Resort include: Continuing to differentiate from our competition and offering added value to our guests. Retaining our current levels of repeat business and developing further customer loyalty in a competitive market. Nevertheless, smart boutique hotels must continue to adapt to the incessantly changing needs, tastes, preferences, and fashions in order to remain competitive in the flourishing boutique hotel market. Financial Objectives Increase overall room revenue. Accomplish growth within the given budget. Increase corporate contracted rates to reflect the return of confidence in the tourist travel market. Keep payroll expenses  down  and reduce the level of overtime within the workforce. Marketing Objectives To continue to communicate our strategic objectives to our target markets effectively. To provide a positive hotel memorable experience to all our guests. To accomplish our growth targets within the given time and budget. Expand our markets and identify new markets for our product and services. Messaging It is critical to the success of the Heavenly Resort to make sure that the hotel is kept up to the highest level in order to keep the high quality service that Heavenly Resort properties are known for. Our messaging will reflect this high standard that we want to be associated with. We need to print brochures from the recycled material to retain our green environment in front of our customers Branding The Heavenly Resort, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines, is first boutique hotel in Palawan.Heavenly Resort is boutique properties, offering 32 exclusive rooms. The Heavenly Resort  property is convenient and easy access locations within the city. Also synonymous with the brand are the high level of personalised service guests receive, with its unique architecture and design of every rooms.   Strategy Pyramids Our marketing strategy is to focus customers attention on the high quality of the services we offer. Within this strategy are three main points aimed at different market segments. We will provide: The Best and affordable facilities Personalized Services Unique and innovative Amenities Marketing Mix Place: product and service information  are sold to the guest via personal selling, direct marketing, advertising  and the Internet. Delivery channels include travel agents and international  reservations systems. Product Marketing Product: green innovation with high quality ambience facilities accompanied by exemplary personalised service, differentiated from competition quality with the overall brand strategy to be a successful approach generating high levels of repeat business. Pricing Pricing strategy has been consistent with the differentiation objective, to provide added value for a reasonable rate as opposed to discounting and de valuing our products and services. Room rates quoted are net of tax and service, are per night, per room with local and continental breakfast included: Single $65.00; Double $75.00; Family $75++; Deluxe $ 95.00; Suite $125 (maximum occupancy 2 persons). Promotion Promotion: primary focus will remain on mass communication via print ads in trade publications and on the Internet. Direct mail campaigns to existing and prospective clients will increase as a cost effective means of targeted campaigning. Personal selling in the local market will remain an important element of the mix in order to continue to build long-term relationships within the local region and generate  high levels of corporate activity. Public relations activities will continue to play an important role in the marketing mix, presenting the hotel as a supportive member of the community and  participating in significant local events. Advertising Direct Marketing Our direct marketing will be handled by our PR agency. We will buy select targeted list of corporate companies and send them information about Heavenly Resort. We know that we are no experts in direct marketing so it will be important that our PR agency handles every aspect of direct marketing for us. Web Plan Needed: New home page design and navigation Online reservations  capability Printable brochure Website Goals Our website needs to be able to do the following: Convey our messaging of high quality, unique and innovative accommodations Be indexed on major travel websites so that people find us Be able to take reservations online and make changes to reservations online Website Marketing Strategy Our main website marketing strategy hinges upon making sure all major travel sites such as,, and list our hotel when customers search for hotels in our area. Development Requirements To attain the level of interactivity we want in our design, we need to increase the features allowed (security for  reservations and credit-card processing, daily back-ups, and real-time database linking) and service-level of our hosting service. This will slightly increase our monthly hosting fee. Service Our hotel provides guests with an alternative to the impersonal, boutique hotel properties in the city. Strategically located, our property enables our guests to be at the heart of the city and yet in an environment of calm, serene and professionalism. We seek to differentiate our product and services in the following areas: Personal recognition of our frequent travellers who return time and again. Unique rooms that offer a sense of relaxing and memorable experience. Staff that have a strong customer-service ethic. Green Innovation amenities second to none in town. Sales Plan Our sales plan hinges upon our sales strategy, sales process and, prospecting plan. As long as we follow the plans laid below we should be in good shape. Sales Strategy Riverview Hotels sales strategy hinges upon repeat visits by key corporate accounts. We need to develop a relationship with the companies listed in our Sales Account Plan, as well as actively generate new accounts by soliciting first time corporate, foreign and local visitors. It will be important to remain competitive on price, as well as amenities. The corporate accounting department wants to make sure they limit the amount of money spent per night per employee on a business trip, but the foreign/local traveller will be able to express preference. If the price is right, and the foreign/local traveller knows that they will have all amenities they need while at the Heavenly Resort, we will be assured of keeping and attracting key accounts. Sales Process We will be sure to mail out corporate packets every 6 months to our key accounts, as well as any new accounts we acquire. The packets will have information about corporate pricing and discounts, as well as information about rooms and amenities for the companies to share with business travellers. The biggest piece of our sales process will depend on personal relationships. We will need to make every foreign/local traveller feel like we remember them and we know their likes and dislikes. We also need to cultivate good relationships with the person at the company who makes travel arrangements. Prospecting Plan Whenever a new customer stays at our boutique hotel we need to be able to determine whether it is for leisure or business. If it is for business we need to make sure to get the customers business name and address so that we can send a corporate packet to the company letting them know about corporate pricing and special business amenities. Management Team Controls Our marketing plan is structured to enable us to achieve the strategic goals we have set for  ourselves, in terms of increasing overall revenue as a result of differentiating our products and services from the competition. Our marketing team will ensure that the plan is implemented to the best of their ability and with the highest levels of efficiency and accuracy. Implementation All figures will be monitored on an ongoing basis in relation to projections versus actuals, and the ongoing plan will be altered or manipulated as necessary in order to react to and, wherever possible, anticipate external changes to the environment. Annual results will be evaluated at the Region General Managers meeting where the structure of the plan for the approaching year will also be established. Keys to Success Continue to develop ongoing relationships with frequent and new guests. Continue to develop and implement a strong communications plan in both national and international markets. Leverage our strength in the local market as a member of the community by supporting local events. Identify new markets for our services such as University-based target groups. Continue ongoing staff training and skill development to ensure the highest standards of service. Contingency Planning Contingency plans have been made for the following unexpected developments: A slower recovery from the recession than public opinion: this has been  reflected in the  moderate increase in  levels of corporate business expected. The entry into the market of a competitively aligned hotel: differentiation would continue to be the strategic approach with the development of added value and benefits to leverage long standing relationships and repeat business based on familiarity and personal attention to detail. Marketing Organization Our marketing director, April Huang, leads our PR and marketing team of  four in all advertising, promotional and public relations related activities. April works closely with the members of the team, to implement and monitor the effectiveness of the marketing plan and evaluate results. Design and Development Plans (Grace) Risks Management(Grace) Risk reduction(grace) Exit strategy(Grace) Financials (Sample Only for Adam) Our annual marketing budget is $100,000. Sales are anticipated to achieve revenue of $1,172,925. Our marketing expenses will equate to approximately 8.5% of the overall revenue. Break-even Analysis Fixed Costs Cost Rent or Lease $0 Professional Services $1,000 Payroll $10,000 Interest Payments $2,000 Utilities Telephone $5,000 Non-discretionary marketing expenses $0 Other $0 Total Fixed Costs $18,000 Break-even Analysis Monthly Units Break-even 145 Monthly Revenue Break-even $19,929 Assumptions: Average Per-Unit Revenue $137.14 Average Per-Unit Variable Cost $13.28 Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $18,000 Sales Forecast Room revenue for this year is based on an average growth rate of 10%. This is based on the number of pre-contracted corporate rooms, and an anticipated return to business levels projected. Sales Forecast FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 Unit Sales Corporate Single 1,925 2,118 2,118 Corporate Double 3,665 4,032 4,032 Corporate Deluxe 2,695 2,965 2,965 Corporate Suite 268 294 294 Total Unit Sales 8,553 9,409 9,408 Unit Prices FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 Corporate Single $95.00 $95.00 $99.00 Corporate Double $125.00 $125.00 $135.00 Corporate Deluxe $175.00 $175.00 $195.00 Corporate Suite $225.00 $225.00 $240.00 Sales Corporate Single $182,875 $201,210 $209,633 Corporate Double $458,125 $504,000 $544,253 Corporate Deluxe $471,625 $518,875 $578,175 Corporate Suite $60,300 $66,150 $70,560 Total Sales $1,172,925 $1,290,235 $1,402,620 Direct Unit Costs FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 Corporate Single $7.86 $11.00 $11.00 Corporate Double $13.92 $13.50 $13.50 Corporate Deluxe $17.50 $18.50 $18.50 Corporate Suite $0.84 $0.00 $0.00 Direct Cost of Sales Corporate Single $15,138 $23,298 $23,293 Corporate Double $51,033 $54,432 $54,425 Corporate Deluxe $47,163 $54,853 $54,853 Corporate Suite $225 $0 $0 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $113,558 $132,583 $132,570 Expense Forecast Marketing expenses are projected to be approximately 8.5% of overall annual revenue. The breakdown of  expenditures is as follows: Marketing Expense Budget FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 Print Advertising $10,600 $11,600 $12,826 Internet Advertising $21,000 $23,100 $25,410 Public Relations $6,000 $6,600 $7,260 Other $21,000 $23,100 $25,410 Total Sales and Marketing Expenses $58,600 $64,400 $70,906 Percent of Sales 5.00%

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wind power and future of renewable energy Essay -- Clean Alternative E

Wind power and future of renewable energy Abstract: Due to the development of technology around the world, the need of energy is increasing every year. But, what would be the best way to produce energy without polluting the air, or depleting fossil fuels? Renewable energy would also be the best solution for this problem. Of the available sources of renewable energy, wind power shows much promise. Wind turbines have been used through many generations, and the technology continues to develop. Wind Energy provides a feasible energy alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Introduction: The need for alternative energy is a pressing issue for countries all over the world. One of the solutions this for problem is wind power, which has been in use for many thousands years. â€Å"About 5000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used wind to sail ships on the Nile River. Later, people built windmill to grind wheat and other grains. American colonists used windmill to pump water, and cut wood at sawmill. In 1920s, they started to use it to generate electricity.† (Renewable energy trends, 2005). Besides the long known history, the ways electricity is generated through wind turbines are truly simple, too. â€Å"Turbines catch the wind's energy using blades which are mounted on a shaft. The shaft is connected, normally via a gearbox, to a generator which produces electricity. The blades and shaft are connected to the Wind power 3 nacelle, which contains the gearbox and other power mechanical components.† (Scottish executive, 2007). Wind turbines can be determined in two styles that based on the direction of the rotating shaft (axis). One is horizontal axis, and the other is vertical axis. (Figure 1). Figure 1: Wind Turbines: Horizontal & Vertical A... ...stration Available at: ï‚ · Scottish executive, 2007 Available at: ï‚ · Martin J. Pasqualetti, Paul Gipe, and Robert W. Righter ,Wind power in view, 2002 , energy landscapes in a crowded world. ï‚ · Wind energy Available at: ï‚ · Wind power- energy from the air Available at: ï‚ · Energy matters Available at: ï‚ · Advantages and disadvantages of wind power Available at: ï‚ · Five disadvantages of wind power Available at: ï‚ · Wind energy works for America Available at: ï‚ · Wind Power Basics Available at: ï‚ · The Benefits of Wind Energy Available at: ï‚ · Wind Turbine Available at: http://